- Fix issue in Fx65
- Implement all remaining instructions
- Simplify opcode and use simple u16
- Change license to be GPL 3.0
- Now print Timendus logo for testing instead of IBM logo
- Implement 00EE - Return from subroutine
- Implement 2NNN - CALL addr
- Implement 3XKK - SE Vx, byte
- Implement 8xyN serie
- Implement 9xy0 - SNE Vx, Vy
- Implement CXNN - RND Vx, byte
- Implement FX07 - LD Vx, DT
- Implement FX15 - LD DT, Vx
- Implement FX18 - LD ST, Vx
- Implement FX29 - LD F, Vx
- Implement FX33 - BCD
- Implement FX65 - LD Vx, [I]
- Fixes issues for printing IBM logo
- Framebuffer is now part of the chip8
- Use env logger
- Remove the use of framebuffer for trying to solve the issue with IBM logo
- Implement DXYN, 1NNN, 7XNN
- Implement ANNN, 6XNN
- Implement clear screen instruction
- Implement functions to get information from an opcode
- Add the switch case for emulation based on the upper 4 bits of the opcode
- Add fonts
- Display a space invader in the top left corner
- use minifb
- Add function to dump all memory
- Load the rom into chip memory
- Read a rom as parameter and print opcode
- Run cargo init