Cooldowns! Bug Fixes! Improvements!
- Brand new Cooldowns made from scratch!
- Limit how often a guild can buy buffs.
- Limit how often someone can go to their guild home.
- Limit how often someone can join a guild.
- Limit how often someone can request to join a guild.
- Limit how often someone can set their guild home.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed an issue with claim commands registering twice.
- Fixed an issue where you could create multiple guilds with the same name.
- Fixed an issue where members would not be notified when their guild was deleted.
- Fixed an issue where an error would throw if you try to upgrade your guild while being the top tier.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't translate the public / private string for the guild list GUI.
- Fixed an issue where trying to open a vault right after upgrading the guild would throw an error.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't join a public guild.
- Fixed an issue where you could put items into the vault selector GUI.
- Fixed an issue where members weren't added to claim after joining a guild.
- Fixed an issue where members weren't removed from a claim after leaving/being kicked from a guild.
- Fixed an issue where the blacklist wouldn't be checked if enabled.
- Switched the plugin to load off of runtime dependencies.
- The guild list GUI now supports {guild-tier-name} in the lore.
- You can now configure which items show in /guild info.
- Added in the ability to disable prefixes in the plugin.
- Changed the names of the panes for the info GUI to be blank.
- Added support for {display-name} in guild chat.
- Formatted how numbers look to use commas.
- You can now toggle in the config if it should remove the brackets around the placeholder for EssentialsChat.
Known Issues
- There is a known issue with claims when you're using FastAsyncWorldEdit. Getting in touch with the authors for a solution.