The elastiman constantly monitors the your elasticsearch cluster's health by checking the following:
- It checks the overall clusters health as if any of the node left the cluster or any shard is not avaliable.
- It checks over all the nodes present in the cluster following parameters:
• CPU usage Alert
• Memory usage alert
• Disk space usage for all mounts on perticular node
• Swap Memory alert
• Open File Descriptors alert
• Heap usage alert
Currenty Elasticman supports mail and slack integrations.
Install the package npm:
npm i elasticman -g
Then, create a file called config.js
and paste the following inside it:
module.exports = {
// Elasticsearch Cluster Nodes uri's
nodes: [
// Number of seconds to wait in between health checks
interval: 30,
// Alerting CPU usage in percent
maxCpuUsage: 50,
// Cutoff Nodes memory in percentage
maxAvailableMemoryInUse: 60,
// Alerting data space in percentage (will calculate for all the mount storages)
maxDataSpaceInUse: 80,
// alerting OS swap memory in percentage
maxSwapMemory: 50,
// alerting open file descriptors in percentage
maxOpenFileDescriptors: 80,
// Alerting jvm heap size in percentage
maxHeapUsed: 80,
// SMTP configuration for sending alert e-mails (delete to disable)
smtp: {
host: '',
port: 465,
secure: true,
auth: {
user: '[email protected]',
pass: 'password'
address: '[email protected]'
// Slack configuration for sending alert messages through webhook (delete to disable)
slack: {
channelUrl: '',
notifyMembers: ['gurbaj', 'singh'] // enter slack user names here
Modify the configuration file according to your need:
• smtp
(optional) - the SMTP e-mail configuration for sending alerts (using Gmail, AWS SES, etc)
• slack
(optional) - the Slack webhook configuration for sending alert messages
Test the SMTP configuration by running:
elasticman --test-email
Test the Slack configuration by running:
elasticman --test-slack
Finally run elasticman
from the same directory as your config.js
or you can also provide the confing file's path by running the command elasticman -c <path to the config file>
If you want to keep your process running uninterrupted (recommended), it is advisable to use a process manager like PM2 or forever.
Apache 2.0