Server side, holds a
json file
including secret name and the secret's base64 encoded string. -
Client side, request the secret by the secret name.
- libhw_grpc_proto.so
- libgrpc_ratls_client.so
- libgrpc_ratls_server.so
- client
- server
- Server
int grpc_ratls_start_server(
const char *server_addr, // grpc server address+port, such as "localhost:50051"
const char *config_json, // ratls handshake config json file
const char *secret_json // secret config json file
- Client
int grpc_ratls_get_secret(
const char *server_addr, // grpc server address+port, such as "localhost:50051"
const char *config_json, // ratls handshake config json file
const char *name, // secret name to be requested
const char *secret_file // secret file to be saved
All source could be found on example
The following command will download prerequisite source and the gRPC source code.
The following command will patch the gRPC source code and do the build and install.
If musl-libc version is expected.
./build_and_install.sh musl
The following command will generate the client and server occlum images. It automatically parses the mr_enclave and mr_signer of the client, and write the value into dynamic_config.json. If you want to verify the other measurements of client, please modify the ra_config_template.json
before run the script.
If previous build choice is musl
./build_occlum_instance.sh musl
Run the gRPC server & client in occlum.
./run.sh server &
./run.sh client <request_secret_name> ( cert, key )
Note: 1. The demo runs in the same machine by default. If you want to run server and client in different machines. Please modify the examples/cpp/ratls. 2. If you want to test in your local network with your own PCCS server, you need to modify the /etc/sgx_default_qcnl.conf