Did you find a bug or would you like to contribute a feature? You are certainly welcome to do so. Please always fill an issue first to discuss the matter. Do not start development without an open issue otherwise we do not know what you are working on.
If you just want to fill a bug report, please open your issue. We are encouraged to fix your bug to provide best software in the opensource community.
Do not open an issue for a possible security vulnerability, to protect yourself and others please contact [email protected] to report your concern.
git clone https://github.com/gyselroth/mongodb-php-task-scheduler.git
To setup your development base you can make use of the the make buildtool to install all dependencies:
make deps
Execute the testsuite before push:
make test
You can clone the repository from:
git clone https://github.com/gyselroth/mongodb-php-task-scheduler.git
You need make to build this software. Following make targets are supported:
Build software, but do not packageclean
Clear build and dependenciesdeps
Install dependenciestest
Execute testsuitephpcs-fix
Execute phpcsphpstan
Execute phpstan
Please make sure that you always specify the number of your issue starting with a hastag (#) within any git commits.
You are absolutely welcome to submit a pull request which references an open issue.
Send bug fixes PR to the master branch and new features to the dev branch.
Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.
This software is freely available under the terms of MIT, please respect this license and do not contribute software parts which are not compatible to the MIT license.
This repository gets shipped with an .editorconfig configuration. For more information on how to configure your editor please visit editorconfig.
Add the following script to your git pre-commit hook file, otherwise your build will fail if you do not following code style:
./vendor/bin/php-cs-fixer fix --config=.php-cs-fixer.dist.php -v
This automatically converts your code into the code style guidelines of this project otherwise your build will fail!