All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This file uses change log convention from keep a CHANGELOG.
- values default for permissions (#24)
- implement default value for permissions and members (#24)
- generated team with members and maintainers (#17)
- configuration project (#15)
- generator readme with confluence configuration (#15)
- configuration generator readme (#15)
- change make to task actions (#15)
- example to examples (#13)
- actions make (#13)
- dependences node packages (#13)
- examples versions terraform (#11)
- generators and templates documentation (#11)
- implement version for internal project (#21)
- implement permissions for team (#19)
- implement generator plop (#19)
- implement configuration sonar (#15)
- implement task actions for ssh (#15)
- implement code project with go (#15)
- implement task actions mark and prettier (#15)
- implement github actions confluence sonarqube (#15)
- implement configuration scripts project (#15)
- implement lints configuration golang ci (#15)
- implement actions make (#15)
- implement hooks prepare commit message (#15)
- implement check to do (#13)
- implement configuration and linters (#1)
- implement configuration and linters (#1)
- implement configuration and linters (#1)
- implement configuration and linters (#1)
- implement configuration and linters (#1)
- implement example for generators version (#11)
- implement resource github membership (#11)
- lint files configuration (#15)
- change links badge github (#15)
- clean unnecessary provider (#13)
- upgrade version integrations github (#11)
- load providers for example (0.1.1)
- attributes load github team (0.1.1)
- load version with bumpversion readme (0.1.0)
- path readme of generator (0.1.0)
- type and name vars (#7)
- name project (#5)
- implement output iam github (#5)
- implement provider, versions and data module (#5)
- implement make github resource (#5)
- implement settings template changelog (#3)
- implement generator and templates (#3)
- implement hooks git (#1)
- implement action make docs terraform (#1)
- implement actions for make (#1)
- implement settings project (#1)
- implement configuration and linters (#1)
- implement settings hooks for pre-commit (#1)
- disable hooks docs replace (#5)