New submission
Package was archived on CRAN today
Updates since last release:
- Fixed obscure issue with unicode characters in grid names on some linux systems that caused the package to be removed from CRAN
- Updated package infrastructure to reflect latest CRAN policies, etc.
- local OS X install, R 4.3.2
- ubuntu 22.04.3 (on GitHub Actions), R 4.3.2
- win-builder (devel and release)
0 errors | 0 warnings | 1 note
Maintainer: 'Ryan Hafen [email protected]'
New submission
Package was archived on CRAN
CRAN repository db overrides: X-CRAN-Comment: Archived on 2023-11-28 as issues were not corrected in time.
Found the following (possibly) invalid URLs: URL: From: man/grids.Rd Status: 404 Message: Not Found URL: From: man/grids.Rd Status: 429 Message: Too Many Requests URL: From: man/grids.Rd Status: 429 Message: Too Many Requests URL: From: man/state_ranks.Rd inst/doc/geofacet.html Status: 403 Message: Forbidden For content that is 'Moved Permanently', please change http to https, add trailing slashes, or replace the old by the new URL.
These URLs are all valid, all use https, and are not redirects. I'm not sure why they are being flagged.
R CMD check ran successfully on the only reverse dependencies geoAr and geofi.