This project can be used to detect fire occurance in deep forest through computer vision and detects chainsaw sounds which are illegal felling in the deep forest using deep learning.
Download our Model from : LINK
Download our Demo from : LINK
Once you downloaded the model from the gdriver , Place the model folder inside our teamstartup folder.
Please make sure you have Anaconda3 setup in your computer to have conda environment
1. Open anaconda3 powershell
2. Navigate to the folder (teamStartup)
3. conda create --name your_environment_name
4. conda activate your_environment_name
5. conda install pip
6. pip install -r requirements.txt
7. pip install pipwin
8. pipwin install pyaudio
Once you activated and installed all the packages in the environment its time to start.
RUN : python.exe
Running the experiment or detection requires that you have Tensorflow, OpenCV and PyAudio installed.
use this Email ID to check the Alert messages from the system.
Email ID : [email protected]
Psw : ********
Dataset which we used for chainsaw
you could you use this youtube video to test our chainsaw Model , This video was the one tested in the Demo clip