We're using React Native Router Flux to handle routing / navigation in the app. Please visit the RNRF repo to gain an understanding of the router API.
We've setup the app so that you can manage the routes via /src/navigation/index.js
We've split out particular areas into leaner files, for example all scenes related to the Tabbar, are manageable within tabs.js
Let's say you've created a new scene listing blog articles. In order to link to that scene, we need to simply:
Within /src/navigation/index.js
Import the scene import BlogListing from '@containers/blog/Listing/ListingContainer';
And add it within the main scene, eg:
title={'Our Blog'}
analyticsDesc={'BlogListing: Our Blog'}
Props explained:
- the unique reference we'll use to link to that scenetitle
- the text that'll appear in the navbar when we're on that scenecomponent
- the component to showanalyticsDesc
- see Google Analytics
Within any component, simply:
Import the router's navigation mechanism:
import { Actions } from 'react-native-router-flux';
Call Actions.{key}()
to link to the scene, i.e.: