A directory containing all Redux related stores, reducers and actions.
Redux is a predictable state container. It helps you write applications that behave consistently.
Imagine that your React Native App has a sidebar element with a login button. When the users taps that login button, they're taken to a screen to login, they enter their credentials and they're now logged in. Without Redux, how to change that login button to a user avatar and a logout button? Perhaps you suggest events and pass through a myriad of props to fire back up the chain to update it? That may work, but with Redux, you can make it happen much more efficiently.
In a nutshell: Redux is essentially app-wide state, where you can call functions to update the entire app's state.
All directories are lowercase where words separated by hyphens (-
), named by type (eg. recipes
). Each directory contains 2 files - actions.js
and reducer.js
Files should be lowercase
and words separated by hyphens (-