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-layout: docs
-page_title: Install Vault
-description: |-
- Download a precompiled binary, compile from source, or use a package.
-# Installing Vault
-There are several options to install Vault:
-1. Install from a [Package Manager](#package-manager).
-1. Use a [precompiled binary](#precompiled-binaries).
-1. Install [from source](#compiling-from-source).
-1. [Helm for Kubernetes](/vault/docs/platform/k8s/helm)
-@include 'versions.mdx'
-## Package manager
-HashiCorp manages packages for Ubuntu, Debian, Fedora, RHEL, Amazon
-Linux, and other distributions. Follow the instructions at [HashiCorp
-Tutorials][learn-vault-install] to add our PGP key, add a repository, and
-## Precompiled binaries
-To install the precompiled binary, [download](/vault/downloads) the applicable
-package for your system. Vault is packaged as a zip file.
-Once the zip is downloaded, unzip the file into your designated directory. The `vault` binary
-inside is all that is necessary to run Vault (or `vault.exe` for Windows). No
-additional files are required to run Vault.
-Copy the binary to your system. If you intend to access it from the
-command-line, ensure that you place the binary somewhere on your `PATH`.
-Refer to the [HashiCorp Tutorials][learn-vault-dev-server] to start a server, `put`
-your first secret, and use other features of Vault.
-## Compiling from source
-To compile from source, you will need [Go](https://golang.org) installed and
-properly configured (including a `GOPATH` environment variable set), as well as
-a copy of [`git`](https://www.git-scm.com/) in your `PATH`.
-Clone the Vault repository from GitHub into your `GOPATH`:
-$ mkdir -p $GOPATH/src/github.com/hashicorp && cd $_
-$ git clone https://github.com/hashicorp/vault.git
-$ cd vault
-Bootstrap the project. This will download and compile libraries and tools needed
-to compile Vault:
-$ make bootstrap
-Build Vault for your current system and put the binary in `./bin/` (relative to
-the git checkout). The `make dev` target is just a shortcut that builds `vault`
-for only your local build environment (no cross-compiled targets).
-$ make dev
-## Verifying the installation
-To verify Vault is installed, run `vault -h` on your system. You should
-see the help output. If you are executing it from the command line, ensure it is
-on your `PATH` to avoid receiving an error that Vault is not found.
-$ vault -h
-## Tutorial
-Following tutorials provide some guidance on production cluster deployment:
-- [Day One Preparation](/vault/tutorials/day-one-raft)
-- [Recommended Patterns](/vault/tutorials/recommended-patterns)
-[learn-vault-install]: /vault/tutorials/getting-started/getting-started-install
-[learn-vault-dev-server]: /vault/tutorials/getting-started/getting-started-dev-server
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+layout: docs
+page_title: Build Vault from code
+description: >-
+ Build Vault locally from source code.
+# Build Vault from code
+Clone the official Vault repo and build a Vault binary from source code for your
+- You have [Go](https://golang.org) installed and the `GOPATH` environment
+ variable configured.
+- You have [`git`](https://www.git-scm.com/) installed.
+1. Create a `hashicorp` source directory under your `GOPATH` and change to the
+ new directory:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ mkdir -p ${GOPATH}/src/hashicorp && cd $_
+ ```
+1. Clone the Vault repository from GitHub:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ git clone https://github.com/hashicorp/vault.git
+ ```
+1. Change to the cloned Vault directory:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ cd vault
+ ```
+1. Bootstrap the Go project to download and compile the libraries and tools
+ needed to compile Vault:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ make bootstrap
+ ```
+1. Use `make` to build Vault for your current system:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ make dev
+ ```
+ You can copy the compiled binary from `${GOPATH}/src/hashicorp/vault/bin/`.
+1. Create a `hashicorp` source directory under your `GOPATH` and change to the
+ new directory:
+ ```powershell
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Force -Path "${env:GOPATH}/src/hashicorp" | Set-Location
+ ```
+1. Clone the Vault repository from GitHub:
+ ```powershell
+ git clone https://github.com/hashicorp/vault.git
+ ```
+1. Change to the cloned Vault directory:
+ ```powershell
+ Set-Location vault
+ ```
+1. Use the included `make` tool to bootstrap the Go project to download and
+ compile the libraries and tools needed to compile Vault:
+ ```powershell
+ .\make bootstrap
+ ```
+1. Use the included `make` tool to build Vault for your current system:
+ ```powershell
+ .\make dev
+ ```
+ You can copy the compiled binary from `${env:GOPATH}/src/hashicorp/vault/bin/`.
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+layout: docs
+page_title: Install Vault
+description: |-
+ Download a precompiled binary, compile from source, or use a package manager.
+# Install Vault
+## Install options
+ If you plan to run Vault on Kubernetes, we recommend
+ [installing with Helm](/vault/docs/platform/k8s/helm).
+1. [Install official Vault packages](/vault/install) with supported package
+ managers for macOS, Ubuntu/Debian, CentIS/RHEL, Amazon Linux, and Homebrew.
+1. [Download a precompiled binary](/vault/install) or
+ [build Vault from code](/vault/docs/install/build-from-code) and
+ [install the binary manually](/vault/docs/install/install-binary).
+@include 'versions.mdx'
+## Related tutorials
+The following tutorials provide additional guidance for installing Vault and
+production cluster deployment:
+- [Get started: Install Vault](/vault/tutorials/getting-started/getting-started-install)
+- [Day One Preparation](/vault/tutorials/day-one-raft)
+- [Recommended Patterns](/vault/tutorials/recommended-patterns)
+- [Start the server in dev mode]: /vault/tutorials/getting-started/getting-started-dev-server
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+layout: docs
+page_title: Install Vault manually
+description: >-
+ Manually install a Vault binary.
+# Manually install a Vault binary
+Install Vault using a compiled binary.
+## Before you start
+- **You must have a valid Vault binary**. You can
+ [download and unzip a precompiled binary](/vault/install) or
+ [build a local instance of Vault from source code](/vault/docs/install/build-from-code).
+## Step 1: Configure the environment
+1. Set the `VAULT_DATA` environment variable to your preferred Vault data
+ directory. For example, `/opt/vault/data`:
+ ```shell-session
+ export VAULT_DATA=/opt/vault/data
+ ```
+1. Set the `VAULT_CONFIG` environment variable to your preferred Vault
+ configuration directory. For example, `/etc/vault.d`:
+ ```shell-session
+ export VAULT_CONFIG=/etc/vault.d
+ ```
+1. Move the Vault binary to `/usr/bin`:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ sudo mv PATH/TO/VAULT/BINARY /usr/bin/
+ ```
+1. Ensure the Vault binary can use `mlock()` to run as a non-root user:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ sudo setcap cap_ipc_lock=+ep $(readlink -f $(which vault))
+ ```
+ See the support article
+ [Vault and mlock()](https://support.hashicorp.com/hc/en-us/articles/115012787688-Vault-and-mlock)
+ for more information.
+1. Create your Vault data directory:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ sudo mkdir -p ${VAULT_DATA}
+ ```
+1. Create your Vault configuration directory:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ sudo mkdir -p ${VAULT_CONFIG}
+ ```
+ We recommend storing Vault data and Vault logs on different volumes than the
+ operating system.
+1. Run Powershell as Administrator.
+1. Set a `VAULT_HOME` environment variable to your preferred Vault home
+ directory. For example, `c:\Program Files\Vault`:
+ ```powershell
+ $env:VAULT_HOME = "${env:ProgramFiles}\Vault"
+ ```
+1. Create the Vault home directory:
+ ```powershell
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "${env:VAULT_HOME}"
+ ```
+1. Create the Vault data directory. For example, `c:\Program Files\Vault\Data`:
+ ```powershell
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "${env:VAULT_HOME}/Data"
+ ```
+1. Create the Vault configuration directory. For example,
+ `c:\Program Files\Vault\Config`:
+ ```powershell
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "${env:VAULT_HOME}/Config"
+ ```
+1. Create the Vault logs directory. For example, `c:\Program Files\Vault\Logs`:
+ ```powershell
+ New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path "${env:VAULT_HOME}/Logs"
+ ```
+1. Move the Vault binary to your Vault directory:
+ ```powershell
+ Move-Item `
+ -Path `
+ -Destination ${env:VAULT_HOME}\vault.exe
+ ```
+1. Add the Vault home directory to the system `Path` variable.
+ [![System PATH editor in Windows OS GUI](/img/install/windows-system-path.png)](/img/install/windows-system-path.png)
+## Step 2: Configure user permissions
+1. Create a system user called `vault` to run Vault when your Vault data
+ directory as `home` and `nologin` as the shell:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ sudo useradd --system --home ${VAULT_DATA} --shell /sbin/nologin vault
+ ```
+1. Change directory ownership of your data directory to the `vault` user:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ sudo chown vault:vault ${VAULT_DATA}
+ ```
+1. Grant the `vault` user full permission on the data directory, search
+ permission for the group, and deny access to others:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ sudo chmod -R 750 ${VAULT_DATA}
+ ```
+1. Create an access rule to grant the `Local System` user access to the Vault
+ directory and related files:
+ ```powershell
+ $SystemAccessRule =
+ New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule(
+ "FullControl",
+ "ContainerInherit,Objectinherit",
+ "none",
+ "Allow"
+ )
+ ```
+1. Create an access rule to grant yourself access to the Vault directory and
+ related files so you can test your Vault installation:
+ ```powershell
+ $myUsername = Get-CimInstance -Class Win32_Computersystem | `
+ Select-Object UserName | foreach {$_.UserName} ; `
+ $AdminAccessRule =
+ New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule(
+ "$myUsername",
+ "FullControl",
+ "ContainerInherit,Objectinherit",
+ "none",
+ "Allow"
+ )
+ ```
+ If you expect other accounts to start and run the Vault server, you must
+ create and apply access rules for those users as well. While users can run
+ the Vault CLI without explicit access, if they try to start the Vault
+ server, the process will fail with a permission denied error.
+1. Update permissions on the `env:VAULT_HOME` directory:
+ ```powershell
+ $ACLObject = Get-ACL ${env:VAULT_HOME} ; `
+ $ACLObject.AddAccessRule($AdminAccessRule) ; `
+ $ACLObject.AddAccessRule($SystemAccessRule) ; `
+ Set-Acl ${env:VAULT_HOME} $ACLObject
+ ```
+## Step 3: Create a basic configuration file
+Create a basic Vault configuration file for testing and development.
+ The sample configuration below disables TLS for simplicity and is not
+ appropriate for production use. Refer to the
+ [configuration documentation](/vault/docs/configuration) for a full list of
+ supported parameters.
+1. Create a file called `vault.hcl` under your configuration directory:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ sudo tee ${VAULT_CONFIG}/vault.hcl <
+Create a file called `vault.hcl` under your configuration directory:
+ui = true
+cluster_addr = ""
+api_addr = ""
+disable_mlock = true
+storage "raft" {
+ path = "$(${env:VAULT_HOME}.Replace('\','\\'))\\Data"
+ node_id = ""
+listener "tcp" {
+ address = ""
+ cluster_address = ""
+ tls_disable = 1
+"@ | Out-File -FilePath ${env:VAULT_HOME}/Config/vault.hcl -Encoding ascii
+ You **must** escape the Windows path character in your Vault configuration
+ file or the Vault server will fail with an error claiming the file contains
+ invalid characters.
+## Step 4: Verify your installation
+To confirm your Vault installation, use the help option with the Vault CLI to
+confirm the CLI is accessible and bring up the server in development mode to
+confirm you can run the binary.
+1. Bring up the help menu in the Vault CLI:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ vault -h
+ ```
+1. Use the Vault CLI to bring up a Vault server in development mode:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ vault server -dev -config ${VAULT_CONFIG}/vault.hcl
+ ```
+1. Start a new Powershell session without Administrator permission.
+1. Bring up the help menu in the Vault CLI:
+ ```powershell
+ vault -h
+ ```
+1. Use the Vault CLI to bring up a Vault server in development mode:
+ ```powershell
+ vault server -dev -config ${env:VAULT_HOME}\Config\vault.hcl
+ ```
+## Related tutorials
+The following tutorials provide additional guidance for installing Vault and
+production cluster deployment:
+- [Get started: Install Vault](/vault/tutorials/getting-started/getting-started-install)
+- [Day One Preparation](/vault/tutorials/day-one-raft)
+- [Recommended Patterns](/vault/tutorials/recommended-patterns)
+- [Start the server in dev mode](/vault/tutorials/getting-started/getting-started-dev-server)
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+++ b/website/content/docs/run-as-service.mdx
@@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
+layout: docs
+page_title: Run Vault as a service
+description: >-
+ Configure and deploy Vault as a service for Linux or Windows.
+# Run Vault as a service
+Instead of starting your Vault server manually from the command line, you can
+configure a service to start Vault automatically.
+## Before you start
+- **You must install Vault**. You can [use a package manager](/vault/install)
+ or [install a binary manually](/vault/docs/install/install-binary).
+## Step 1: Create a new service
+ The following service definition is a simpler version of the `vault.service`
+ example in the Vault GitHub repo: [vault/.release/linux/package/usr/lib/systemd/system/vault.service](https://github.com/hashicorp/vault/blob/main/.release/linux/package/usr/lib/systemd/system/vault.service)
+1. Set the `VAULT_CONFIG` environment variable to your Vault configuration
+ directory. The default configuration directory is `/etc/vault.d`:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ VAULT_CONFIG=/etc/vault.d
+ ```
+1. Confirm the path to your Vault binary:
+ ```
+ $ VAULT_BINARY=$(which vault)
+ ```
+1. Create a `systemd` service called `vault.service` that uses the Vault
+ binary:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ sudo tee /lib/systemd/system/vault.service <
+The Windows binary for Vault does not support the Windows Service Application
+API. To run Vault as a service, you must use a Windows service wrapper. You can
+use whatever wrapper is appropriate for your environment, but the easiest we
+have found is `nssm`.
+1. Download and install [`nssm`](https://nssm.cc/) manually or install the
+ package with [Chocolatey](https://chocolatey.org/):
+ ```powershell
+ choco install nssm
+ ```
+1. Set a `VAULT_HOME` environment variable to your preferred Vault home
+ directory. For example, `c:\Program Files\Vault`:
+ ```powershell
+ $env:VAULT_HOME = "${env:ProgramFiles}\Vault"
+ ```
+1. Use `nssm` to create a new Windows service:
+ ```powershell
+ nssm install MS_VAULT "${env:VAULT_HOME}\vault.exe"
+ ```
+1. Set the working directory for your Vault installation:
+ ```powershell
+ nssm set MS_VAULT AppDirectory "${env:VAULT_HOME}" ; `
+ nssm set MS_VAULT AppParameters "server -config Config\vault.hcl"
+ ```
+1. Define the runtime parameters for Vault, including the
+ `-config` flag with the relative path to your Vault configuration file, for
+ example `Config\vault.hcl`:
+ ```powershell
+ nssm set MS_VAULT AppDirectory "${env:VAULT_HOME}" ; `
+ nssm set MS_VAULT AppParameters "server -config Config\vault.hcl"
+ ```
+1. Set the display name and description for the "Services"
+ management console:
+ ```powershell
+ nssm set MS_VAULT DisplayName "Vault Service" ; `
+ nssm set MS_VAULT Description "Vault server running as a service"
+ ```
+1. Set the startup type for your service. We recommend setting startup to
+ "Manual" until you confirm the service is working as expected:
+ ```powershell
+ ```
+1. Configure the service to pipe information from `stdout` and `stderr` to files
+ under your logging directory, for example `${env:VAULT_HOME}\Logs`:
+ ```powershell
+ nssm set MS_VAULT AppStdout "${env:VAULT_HOME}\Logs\vault-stdout.log" ; `
+ nssm set MS_VAULT AppStderr "${env:VAULT_HOME}\Logs\vault-error.log"
+ ```
+1. Optionally, you can use the `AppEnvironmentExtra` parameter to set relevant
+ variables for the service environment. For example, to set the `VAULT_ADDR`
+ environment variable:
+ ```powershell
+ nssm set MS_VAULT AppEnvironmentExtra `$env:VAULT_ADDR=https://localhost:8200
+ ```
+1. Confirm your Vault service settings with `nssm`:
+ ```powershell
+ nssm dump MS_VAULT | Foreach {$_ -replace '.+nssm\.exe ',''}
+ ```
+## Step 2: Start the new service
+1. Reload the `systemd` configuration:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ sudo systemctl daemon-reload
+ ```
+1. Start the Vault service:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ sudo systemctl start vault.service
+ ```
+1. Verify the service status:
+ ```shell-session
+ $ systemctl status vault.service
+ vault.service - "HashiCorp Vault"
+ Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/vault.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
+ Active: active (running) since Thu 2024-09-05 13:58:45 UTC; 4s ago
+ Docs: https://developer.hashicorp.com/vault/docs
+ Main PID: 3145 (vault)
+ Tasks: 8 (limit: 2241)
+ Memory: 23.6M
+ CPU: 200ms
+ CGroup: /system.slice/vault.service
+ └─3145 /usr/bin/vault server -config=/etc/vault.d/vault.hcl
+ ```
+ Once you create the service, you can control it using standard `*-Service`
+ cmdlets **or** the relevant commands for the associated wrapper. For example,
+ to control the service with `nssm` use `nssm start MS_VAULT`.
+1. Start the Vault service::
+ ```powershell
+ Start-Service -Name MS_VAULT
+ ```
+1. Confirm service status:
+ ```powershell
+ Get-Service -Name MS_VAULT
+ Status Name DisplayName
+ ------ ---- -----------
+ Running MS_VAULT Vault Service
+ ```
+## Step 3: Verify the service is running
+To confirm the service is running and your Vault service is available, open the
+Vault GUI in a browser at the default address:
+## Related tutorials
+The following tutorials provide additional guidance for installing Vault and
+production cluster deployment:
+- [Day One Preparation](/vault/tutorials/day-one-raft)
+- [Recommended Patterns](/vault/tutorials/recommended-patterns)
diff --git a/website/data/docs-nav-data.json b/website/data/docs-nav-data.json
index d7a97dcd8ea6..1e2a16b6f0a5 100644
--- a/website/data/docs-nav-data.json
+++ b/website/data/docs-nav-data.json
@@ -34,8 +34,25 @@
- "title": "Installing Vault",
- "path": "install"
+ "title": "Install Vault",
+ "routes": [
+ {
+ "title": "Overview",
+ "path": "install"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Install manually",
+ "path": "install/install-binary"
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Build from code",
+ "path": "install/build-from-code"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "title": "Run Vault as a service",
+ "path": "run-as-service"
"title": "Internals",
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Binary files /dev/null and b/website/public/img/install/windows-system-path.png differ