Easily convert RGB video data (e.g. tested with .avi and .mp4) to the TensorFlow tfrecords file format for training e.g. a NN in TensorFlow. Due to common hardware/GPU RAM limitations in Deep Learning, this implementation allows to limit the number of frames per video to be stored in the tfrecords. The code automatically chooses the frame step size s.t. there is an equal separation distribution of the individual video frames.
The implementation offers the option to include Optical Flow (currently OpenCV's calcOpticalFlowFarneback) as an additional channel to the tfrecords data. Furthermore it can be easily extended in this regard, for example, by exchanging the currently used Optical Flow algorithm with a different one. Acompanying the code, I've also added a small example with two .mp4 files from which two tfrecords batches are created (1 video per tfrecords file).
This implementation was created during a research project and grew historically. Therefore, we invite users encountering bugs to pull-request a correction.
Successfully tested with:
- Python 3.4 and 3.6
- tensorflow 1.4.0
- opencv-python
- numpy 1.13.3
- virtualenv 15.1.0
It is recommended to use pip and a virtual environment for a Python installation. Therefore, differentia between the two use cases:
- you have an environment up & running: ensure it meets the pip requirements specified by
- you don't have an environment set up: I've added two installation scripts (for mac and linux) that can be run with
from the console. Before running the installation, please ensure a Python 3 version, pip and virtualenv is installed on your machine.
you esentially have two options for preparing the OpenCV installation:
- (recommended) install the statically built OpenCV binaries by using the pip wrapper package with the command
pip3 install opencv-python
- build OpenCV locally from the repository [1] (e.g. refer to StackOverflow thread under [2])
By adjusting the parameters at the top of the code you can control:
- input dir (containing all the video files)
- output dir (to which the tfrecords should be saved)
- resolution of the images
- video file suffix (e.g. *.avi) as RegEx
- number of frames per video that are actually stored in the tfrecord entries (can be smaller than the real number of frames)
- image color depth
- if optical flow should be added as a 4th channel
- number of videos a tfrecords file should contain
The videos are stored as features in the tfrecords. Every video instance contains the following data/information:
- feature[path] (as byte string while path being "blobs/i" with 0 <= i <=number of images per video)
- feature['height'] (while height being the image height, e.g. 128)
- feature['width'] (while width being the image width, e.g. 128)
- feature['depth'] (while depth being the image depth, e.g. 4 if optical flow used)
Additional contributors: Jonas Rothfuss (https://github.com/jonasrothfuss/)