- Lots of duplicate code: Build a central library as an NPM module to share code between our different projects.
- Hard to picture the flow of events: Precisely define all of our events in this shared library.
- Hard to remember what properties events should have: Write everything in TypeScript.
- Really hard to test some event flows: Write tests for as much as possible/reasonable.
- If machine becomes slow and laggy while running Kubernetes: Run a k8s cluster in the cloud and develop on it almost as quickly as local.
- What if someone adds a post and creates a comment quickly: Introduce a lot of code to handle concurrency issues.
- User can list tickets for an event.
- Others can purchase this ticket.
- Any user can list tickets for sale and purchase tickets.
- When a user attempts to purchase a ticket, the ticket is locked for 15 minutes. The user has 15 minutes to enter their payment info.
- While locked, no other user can purchase the ticket. After 15 minutes, the ticket should unlock.
- Ticket prices can be edited if they are not locked.
- User: email, password.
- Order: userId, status (create | cancelled | awaiting payment | Completed), ticketId, expiresAt.
- Ticket: title, price, userId, orderId.
- Charge: orderId, status (created | failed | completed), amount, stripeId, stripeRefundId.
- Auth: User signup/signin/signout.
- Tickets: Ticket creation/editing/lock management.
- Orders: Order creation/editing.
- Expiration: Watches for orders to expire after 15 minutes.
- Payments: Handles credit card payments, cancels orders if payment fails, completes if payment succeeds.
- Client: Next.js with Server-side rendering.
- Services: Node.js + MongoDB + Redis.
- Shared Common Library: NPM Module to share code.
- Event Bus: NATS Streaming Server.
Route: /api/users/signup
- Method: POST
- Body: {email: string, password: string}
- Purpose: Sign Up for an Account
Route: /api/users/signin
- Method: POST
- Body: {email: string, password: string}
- Purpose: Sign In to an existing Account
Route: /api/users/signout
- Method: POST
- Body: {}
- Purpose: Sign Out of an Account
Route: /api/users/currentuser
- Method: GET
- Body: -
- Purpose: Return Info about the user