The simple way to create a custom Command Class is to execute the generate:command
Executing the command using the interactive command questions:
$ drupal generate:command
// Welcome to the Drupal Command generator
Enter the module name [devel]:
> example
Enter the Command name. [example:default]:
Enter the Command Class. (Must end with the word 'Command'). [DefaultCommand]:
Is the command aware of the drupal site installation when executed?. (yes/no) [yes]:
Do you confirm generation? (yes/no) [yes]:
Generated or updated files
Site path: /var/www/
1 - modules/custom/example/src/Command/DefaultCommand.php
Executing the generate:command
passing inline options, make sure you adjust the following command based on your requirements.
$ drupal generate:command --module=example --class=DefaultCommand --name=example:default --container-aware -y
This command execution will generate a new Command class containing the boiler-plate required to register a new command within your Drupal module.