Generate a migrate source plugin
drupal generate:plugin:migrate:source [options]
Option | Details |
--module | Numele Modulului. |
--class | Plugin class name |
--plugin-id | Plugin id |
--table | Table to query |
--alias | Short alias to refer to the table as |
--group-by | Field to group results by |
--fields | Fields to export |
- Generate a migration source plugin specifying the module name, the class, its plugin id, the table and its alias
drupal generate:plugin:migrate:source \
--module="modulename" \
--class="PluginClassName" \
--plugin-id="plugin_class_name" \
--table="DefaultTableName" \
- Generate a migration source plugin for specific fields of the users table specifying the module name, the class, its plugin id, the table, its alias and the fields
drupal generate:plugin:migrate:source \
--module="modulename" \
--class="DefaultPluginClass" \
--plugin-id="default_plugin_class" \
--table="users" \
--alias="u" \
--fields='"id":"id", "description":"the user id"' \
--fields='"id":"username", "description":"the username"' \
--fields='"id":"password", "description":"the user password"' \
--fields='"id":"email", "description":"the user email"'