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Library Rangers Blackboard

Gabriel edited this page Sep 26, 2023 · 14 revisions


Provides access to app::player::Blackboard from Sonic Frontiers.


  • long GetBlackboardContent(Data* in_pBlackboard, string in_name) - returns a pointer to a class that inherits app::player::BlackboardContent obtained by the input Blackboard.Data struct.
  • T* GetBlackboardContent<T>(Data* in_pBlackboard) where T : unmanaged - returns an unsafe pointer to a BlackboardContent struct obtained by the input Blackboard.Data struct.
  • Data* GetPlayerBlackboard() - returns an unsafe pointer to Blackboard.Data obtained by the current player.
  • long GetPlayerBlackboardContent(string in_name) - returns a pointer to a class that inherits app::player::BlackboardContent obtained by the current player.
  • T* GetPlayerBlackboardContent<T>() - returns an unsafe pointer to a BlackboardContent struct obtained by the current player.


  • Data - a struct representation of app::player::Blackboard.
  • BlackboardContent - a struct representation of app::player::BlackboardContent.
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