Command | Alias | Description [Parameter | Output] |
Chatterino | | (none) | Sends useful Chatterino links, e.g. for download |
Chatterino7 | | (none) | Sends useful Chatterino7 links, e.g. for download |
Check | | afk [username] | Checks the afk status of the given user | reminder [id] | Sends information about the reminder. Must be a running reminder |
Code | | [regex file pattern] | Sends links to source code of files matching the provided pattern |
Coinflip | | |
CSharp | | [code] | Executes the given C# code |
Fill | | [arguments] | Sends a message that only contains elements of the given arguments up to its maximum length |
Formula1 | | (none) | Sends information about the next Formula 1 event | weather | Sends weather data for the Formula 1 location |
Fuck | | [username] | Fucks the given user | [username] [emote] | Fucks the given user and adds the emote |
Gachi | | (none) | Sends a random gachi song |
Guid | guid | uuid | globallyuniqueidentifier | universaluniqueidentifier |
| |
Hangman | | (none) | Starts a new game | [char] | Guesses a char | [word] | Guesses a word |
Help | | (none) | Sends a link to the GitHub repository |
Id | | (none) | Sends your Twitch user id | [username] | Sends the Twitch user id of the given user |
Math | | [mathematical expression] | Sends the solution of the given mathematical expression |
Pick | | [options to pick from] | Sends one item picked from all provided ones |
Rafk | | (none) | Resumes your last afk status |
Remind | | [username] [text] | Sets a reminder for the given user | [username] in [time] [text] | Sets a reminder for the given user, that will be triggered after the given time |
Set | | prefix [prefix] | Sets the channel's command prefix to the given prefix. A prefix can be as long as 10 chars | emote [emote] | Sets the emote in front message to the given one. An emote can be as long as 20 chars | location [private|public] [location] | Sets your location for the weather command |
Skip | | (none) | Skips to the next song in the broadcaster's queue, if registered and enabled |
Slots | | (none) | Rolls slots and picks 3 of all emotes | [regex] | Rolls slots and picks 3 of all emotes matching the provided regex |
SongRequest | | [track] | Adds the Spotify song to the broadcaster's queue, if registered and enabled | [target] [source] | Adds the source's Spotify song to the target's queue, if registered and enabled. Use "me" for your username |
Spotify | | (none) | Sends the current playing spotify song of the broadcaster, if registered | me | Sends your current playing spotify song, if registered | [username] | Sends the current playing spotify song of the given user, if registered |
Stream | | (none) | Sends information about the current channel's stream | [channel] | Sends information about the given channel's stream |
Suggest | | [message] | Suggest or report anything concerning the bot with a provided message attached |
Tuck | | [username] | Tucks the given user to bed | [username] [emote] | Tucks the given user to bed and appends the given emote |
Unset | | prefix | Unsets the command prefix in the current channel | reminder [id] | Unsets the reminder with the given id | emote | Unsets the emote in front in the current channel |
Vanish | | (none) | Timeouts the sender for 1s |
Weather | | [location] | Sends weather data for the given location |