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Cit Coin Contract

Table Of Contents:

Introduction [ 序章 ]

The Cit-Coin project is a Hardhat Project that complies with EVM-based decentralized application that facilitates students to learn and earn a cryptocurrency.

Cit-Coin プロジェクトは、ハードハット プロジェクトに準拠した EVM ベースの分散型アプリケーションであり、学生が簡単に仮想通貨を学び、獲得できるようにします。

Contracts [ コントラクツ ]

  1. Registry
  2. cJPY [ CIT Coin コントラクツ ]
  3. LearnToEarn [ Learn To Earn コントラクツ ]
  4. CitNFT
  5. Faucet

Abstract Contracts

  1. Ownable
  2. Whitelistable

Compiling Contracts:

We can easily compile the contracts using the compile scripts mentioned in the package.json file.

package.json ファイルに記載されている compile スクリプトを使用して、コントラクトを簡単にコンパイルできます。

yarn compile

Deploying Contracts

To deploy contracts, we need to run yarn deploy:mainnet or yarn deploy:testnet command which will use the interactive shell to select options if not used in the environment variable.

# Deploying contracts in the testnet

yarn deploy:testnet

Please select one of the contracts below:

0. CitNFT
2. Faucet
3. LearnToEarn
4. Registry

Select The Contract to deploy [Eg: 1]:  2
Deploying Contract with the following configuration:
  name: 'Faucet',
  ownable: true,
  args: [
  Contract Address:  0x0E4587481c947f0aad33143e8b55E06f118036ac

Verifying Contracts

While verifying contracts, we need an address of the deployed contract and other arguments if needed by the contract.

The Contract first needs to be deployed before verifying. Sometimes, one contract requires another contract to be deployed before verifying that contract.

For example: cJPY needs Registry to be deployed so that it can be passed in the constructor arguments.

NOTE: The arguments that are printed in the interactive console will be required while verifying the contracts. We can simply scroll the shell up to see the arguments that were passed to deploy the contract.

example: for Faucet, the console output looks like below:

   Select The Contract to deploy [Eg: 1]:  2
   Deploying Contract with the following configuration:
   name: 'Faucet',
   ownable: true,
   args: [
   Contract Address:  0x0E4587481c947f0aad33143e8b55E06f118036ac

This means the verify command also needs the following addresses:

  • contract address: 0x0E4587481c947f0aad33143e8b55E06f118036ac
  • args[0]: 0x071AF28249749a53245057aBD9cd8f1ea488eABB
  • args[1]: 0x137ea0e26414eb73BB08e601E28072781962f810

Note: you must add PRIVATE_KEY to an environment variable or .env file to be able to verify the contract.

1. Verifying Registry Contract

# verifying on testnet
yarn verify:registry-test <REGISTRY_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>

# verifying on mainnet
yarn verify:registry <REGISTRY_CONTRACT_ADDRESS>

# Example
yarn verify:registry 0x071AF28249749a53245057aBD9cd8f1ea488eABB

2. Verifying cJPY Contract

This contract first needs to be deployed

# verifying on testnet

# verifying on mainnet

# Example:
yarn verify:cjpy-test 0xFF38186A92373C41CDCcD98F414Aa2fBA346653D 0x071AF28249749a53245057aBD9cd8f1ea488eABB

3. Verifying LearnToEarn Contract

To verify this Contract, we must provide 4 different addresses as arguments to the yarn verify command.

  1. Address of the deployed contract
  2. Address of registry
  3. Address of cJPY
  4. Fund Address
# verifying on testnet

# verifying on mainnet

# Example:
yarn verify:learn-test 0xD37A8C0789aE9690b0881668E0D12aEAf75773e4 0x071AF28249749a53245057aBD9cd8f1ea488eABB 0xFF38186A92373C41CDCcD98F414Aa2fBA346653D 0x137ea0e26414eb73BB08e601E28072781962f810

4. Verifying Faucet Contract

To verify this Contract, we must provide 3 different addresses as arguments to the yarn verify command.

  1. Address of the deployed contract
  2. Address of registry
  3. Fund Address
# verifying on testnet

# verifying on mainnet

# Example:
yarn verify:faucet-test 0x0E4587481c947f0aad33143e8b55E06f118036ac 0x071AF28249749a53245057aBD9cd8f1ea488eABB 0x137ea0e26414eb73BB08e601E28072781962f810

4. Verifying NFT Contract

To verify this Contract, we must provide 3 different addresses as arguments to the yarn verify command.

  1. Address of the deployed contract
  2. Address of registry
  3. Address of cJPY
# verifying on testnet

# verifying on mainnet

# Example:
yarn verify:nft-test 0x40d5cec4aE77Cbb67bce73b8894B6508329B414F 0x071AF28249749a53245057aBD9cd8f1ea488eABB 0xFF38186A92373C41CDCcD98F414Aa2fBA346653D

Other Commands

yarn node
yarn test