title | summary |
TiDB 中英术语表 |
本文档介绍 TiDB 中英文术语对照表。 |
English | 中文 | 备注 |
2-phase commit (2PC) | 2 阶段提交 | |
abort | 退出 | |
abstract | 抽象 | |
abstract syntax tree (AST) | 抽象语法树 | |
access | 访问 | |
account | 账户 | |
accuracy | 准确性 | |
ACID properties of transactions | 事务的 ACID 特性 | |
aggregate expression | 聚合表达式 | |
aggregate function | 聚合函数 | |
alert | 报警/告警 | |
algorithm | 算法 | |
anonymous | 匿名 | |
appendix | 附录 | |
architecture | 架构 | |
arithmetic operation | 数值运算/算术运算 | |
ascending order | 正序 | |
assignment expression | 赋值表达式 | |
assignment operation | 赋值运算 | |
authorize | 授予权限 | |
auto increment | 自增 | |
auto-failover | 故障自恢复 | |
auto-increment primary key | 自增主键 | |
availability | 可用性 | |
availability zone | 可用区 | |
backup | 备份 | |
bastion | 堡垒机 | |
binary literal | 二进制字面值 | |
bit | 位 | |
Bloom filter | 布隆过滤器 | |
boolean operation | 布尔运算 | |
bootstrap | 启动/引导程序 | |
breakpoint | 断点 | |
breakpoint resume | 断点续传 | |
business continuity | 业务可持续性 | |
cache | 缓存 | |
cache miss | 缓存未命中 | |
canary test | 灰度测试 | |
Cartesian product | 笛卡尓积 | |
case-sensitive | 大小写敏感 | |
certificate signing request (CSR) | 证书签名请求 | |
cost based optimization (CBO) | 基于代价的优化 | |
Custom Resource Definition (CRD) | 自定义资源类型 | |
checksum | 校验和 | |
circular dependency | 循环依赖 | |
class | 类 | |
client | 客户端 | |
client library | 客户端库 | |
cluster | 集群 | |
cluster functionality | 集群功能 | |
clustered index | 聚簇索引 | |
coarse-grained | 粗粒度的 | |
code comment | 代码注释 | |
code instrumentation | 代码插桩 | |
collation | 排序规则 | |
column family (CF) | 列族 | |
column pruning | 列裁剪 | |
column store | 列存 | |
column-oriented DBMS | 列式存储数据库 | |
columnar storage engine | 列式存储引擎 | |
combinatorial test | 组合测试 | |
combined table | 总表 | |
communicate | 通信 | |
communication | 通信 | |
comparison operation | 比较运算 | |
compatible | 兼容 | |
compile | 编译 | |
composite index | 组合索引 | |
composite (primary) key | 联合主键 | |
computing capacity | 计算能力 | |
concurrency | 并发 | |
configuration error | 配置错误 | |
configuration item | 配置项 | |
conflict | 冲突 | |
consistency | 一致性 | |
constant | 常数,常量 | |
constant folding | 常量折叠 | |
constraint | 约束 | |
container technology | 容器技术 | |
Control Machine | 中控机 | |
converge | 收敛 | |
Coprocessor | Coprocessor | 无需翻译;是否大写首字母看上下文 |
correctness | 正确性 | |
correlated subquery | 关联子查询 | |
corresponding operation | 对应操作 | |
CPU-bound | CPU 密集型 | |
cross-datacenter | 跨数据中心 | |
cross-row transaction | 跨行事务 | |
custom schedulers | 自定义调度器 | |
daily full synchronization | 每日全量同步 | |
data abstraction | 数据抽象 | |
data backfilling | 数据回填 | |
data block | 数据块 | |
data directory | 数据路径 | |
data dissemination | 数据分发 | |
data engine | 数据引擎 | |
data hub | 数据中台 | |
Data Manipulation Language (DML) | 数据操纵语言 | |
data race | 数据竞争 | |
database administrator (DBA) | 数据库管理员 | |
database kernel | 数据库内核 | 内核是 kernel,不是 core |
datacenter | 数据中心 | |
dataflow | 数据流 | |
decompress | 解压缩 | |
dependency/dependencies | 依赖包 | |
dependency | 依赖关系 | |
deploy | 部署 | |
deployment | 部署 | |
destroy the cluster | 销毁集群 | |
directory | 目录 | |
disaster recovery | 容灾 | |
disparate data source | 异构数据源 | |
distributed database | 分布式数据库 | |
driving table | 驱动表 | |
dummy data | 假数据 | |
dynamic | 动态 | |
dynamic programming algorithm | 动态规划算法 | |
effective range | 生效范围 | |
earlier version | 以下版本 | |
edit | 修改/编辑(如:修改 ini 文件) | |
effective range | 生效范围 | |
elect | 选举 | |
engine file | 引擎文件 | |
environment variable | 环境变量 | |
equivalent/equal condition | 等值条件 | |
escape character | 转义字符 | |
exact match | 精确匹配 | |
exception | 异常 | |
execute | 执行 | |
experimental feature | 实验特性 | |
expire | 过期 | |
explicit transaction | 显式事务 | |
expression | 表达式 | |
extendible hashing | 可扩充散列 | |
external interface | 对外接口 | |
eventual consistency | 最终一致性 | |
fault-tolerant design | 容错设计 | |
fetch data | 获取数据 | |
field | 字段 | |
file descriptor | 文件描述符 | |
file handle | 文件句柄 | |
fill-factor | 填充因子 | |
fine-grained | 细粒度 | |
flag | (命令行)标记/参数 | |
float | float | |
Follower | Follower | A role in the Raft consensus algorithm |
force upgrade | 强制升级 | |
foundation class | 基础类库 | |
framework | 框架 | |
full backup | 全量备份 | |
full compact / compaction | 全量压缩 | |
full import | 全量导入 | |
full match | 全匹配 | |
full table scan | 全表扫描 | |
function | 函数 | |
function signature | 函数签名 | |
functional abstraction | 功能抽象 | |
fuzzy matching | 模糊匹配 | |
Geo-distributed active-active | 异地双活 | |
Geo-distributed multi-active | 异地多活 | |
global | 全局 | |
global privileges | 全局权限 | |
Global Transaction Identifier (GTID) | 全局事务标识符 | |
goroutine | 协程 | It also can be "coroutine". But it is suggested using "goroutine". |
graceful | 优雅的 | |
granularity | 粒度 | |
grid computing | 网格计算 | |
HA policy | 高可用策略 | |
handle | 句柄 | |
hang | 假死 | |
hard limit | 硬限制 | |
hash function | 散列函数 | |
hash join | 哈希连接 | |
hash partitioned table | hash 分区表 | |
high availability | 高可用 | |
high concurrency | 高并发 | 名词短语 (noun phrase) |
high concurrent | 高并发 | 形容词短语 (adj phrase) |
Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (HPA) | 自动水平扩容 | TiDB on Kubernetes |
horizontal scalability | 水平扩展 | |
host | 主机 | |
hot data | 热点数据 | |
hotfix | 热修复 | |
hybrid deployment | 混合部署 | |
Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing (HTAP) | HTAP (Hybrid Transactional and Analytical Processing) | 一般写英文形式 |
idempotent (idempotence) | 幂等 | |
image | 镜像 | |
image tag error | 镜像 tag 错误 | |
implement | 实现 | |
implementation | 实现 | |
implicit transaction | 隐式事务 | |
in batches | 批量 | 动词短语 (verb phrase) |
in full volume | 全量 | |
in-memory database | 内存数据库 | |
incremental backup | 增量备份 | |
incremental import | 增量导入 | |
incremental synchronization | 增量同步 | |
incrementally | 增量地 | |
index engine | 索引引擎 | |
index join | 索引连接 | |
infer | 推导 | |
initialize | 初始化 | |
Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS ) | IOPS | 每秒输入输出操作,一般写英文形式 |
instance | 实例 | |
instantiate | 实例化 | |
int | 整数型 | |
interceptor | 拦截器 | |
interface | 接口 | |
intermediate state | 中间状态 | |
internal mechanism | 内部机制 | |
Internationalization (I18N) | 国际化 | |
Internet Data Center (IDC) | 互联网数据中心 | |
Internet Service Provider (ISP) | 互联网服务提供商 | |
intrusive | 有侵入性的 | |
Isolated storage | 独立存储 | |
isolation | 隔离 | |
isolation level | 隔离级别 | |
Java DataBase Connectivity (JDBC) | Java 数据库连接 | |
kernel version | 内核版本 | |
key-value pair(s) / KV pair(s) | 键值对 | |
keyword | 关键字 | |
Kubernetes (K8s) | Kubernetes (K8s) | |
latch contention | 锁竞争 | |
latency | 延时 | |
later version | 以上版本 | |
Leader | Leader | A role in the Raft consensus algorithm |
leak | 泄漏 | |
least recently used (LRU) | 近期最少使用法 | |
left associative | 左结合 | |
left outer join | 左外连接 | |
level | 级别 | |
lifecycle | 生命周期 | |
limitation | 限制 | |
linear hashing | 线性散列 | |
listening | (服务)监听 | |
listening address | 监听地址 | |
load | 负载 | |
load | 加载 | |
Local Persist Volume(s)/LPV(s) | 本地持久化卷 | |
locality | 局部性 | |
localization (L10N) | 本地化 | |
lock | 锁 | |
lock contention | 锁争用 | |
log file | 日志文件 | |
log level | 日志等级 | |
logic | 逻辑 | |
logic isolation | 逻辑隔离 | |
logical operation | 逻辑运算 | |
logical plan | 逻辑计划 | |
long transaction | 长事务 | |
machine code | 机器码 | |
massive data | 海量数据 | 不是 big data(大数据) |
Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) | 大规模并行处理 | |
master | 主库 | |
materialized view | 物化视图 | |
memory | 内存 | |
merge join | 合并连接 | |
metadata | 元信息 | |
method | 方法 | |
method invocation | 方法调用 | |
metrics | 统计/指标(信息) | |
microservice | 微服务 | |
middleware | 中间件 | |
migration | 迁移 | |
module call | 模块调用 | |
monotone increasing | 单调递增 | |
mount option(s) | 挂载参数 | |
mount/mounting | 挂载 | |
multi nodes | 多节点 | |
multi-tenancy | 多租户技术 | |
Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) | 多版本并发控制 | |
mutation | 变异 | |
mutex | 互斥锁 | Mutual exclusion |
MySQL syntax | MySQL 语法 | |
namespace | 命名空间 | |
nest loop | 嵌套循环 | |
node | 节点 | |
non-unique index | 非唯一索引 | |
null | 空值 | |
object abstraction | 对象抽象 | |
Object Relational Mapping (ORM) | 对象关系映射 | |
offset | 偏移 | |
Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) | 在线分析处理 | |
Online Transactional Processing (OLTP) | 在线事务处理 | |
one-to-many relationship | 一对多关系 | |
open source | 开源 | 名词 (noun) |
open-source | 开源 | 可用作形容词 (adj) 或动词 (verb) |
operating environment | 运行环境 | |
operation and administer | 运维 | |
operational data store (ODS) | 操作数据存储 | |
operational status | 运行状态 | |
operator | 运算符/操作符/算子 | |
operator precedence | 运算符优先级 | |
optimistic locking | 乐观锁 | |
optimistic transaction model | 乐观事务模型 | |
optimizer | 优化器 | |
out of memory (OOM) | 内存溢出 | |
outer join | 外连接 | |
outer join simplification | 外连化简 | |
overhead | 开销 | |
parallel replication | 并行复制 | |
parameter | 参数 | |
parse | 解析 | |
partitioned table/partition table | 分区表 | |
performance | 性能 | |
performance jitter | 性能抖动 | |
performance overhead | 性能开销 | |
performance tuning | 性能调优 | |
persist (data) | 持久化存储(数据) | persist 与一般的 save(保存)不一样,持久化存储是将数据保存到硬盘中,使得在应用程序或机器重启后可以继续访问之前保存的数据。 |
persistent data | 持久化数据 | |
pessimistic locking | 悲观锁 | |
physical plan | 物理计划 | |
point query | 点查询 | |
populate | 填充 | |
port | 端口 | |
precheck | 前置检查 | TiDB 文档里统一译成“前置检查”,不译成”预检查” |
prefix match | 前缀匹配 | |
primitive | 原语 | Kubernetes 中的概念 |
private cloud | 私有云 | |
private key | 私钥 | |
privilege | 权限 | |
production environment | 生产环境 | |
proof of concept (PoC) | 概念验证 | |
public cloud | 公有云 | |
public key | 公钥 | |
pure virtual function | 纯虚函数 | |
push | 推送 | |
push down | 下推 | 动词短语 (verb phrase) |
pushdown | 下推的 | 形容词 (adj.) |
query | 查询 | |
query by returning to the table (not a fixed term) | 回表查询 | |
query tree | 查询树 | |
Raft | Raft | |
Raft consensus algorithm | Raft 一致性算法 | |
random delay | 随机延迟 | |
range query | 范围查询 | |
read | 读 | |
reads and writes | 读写 | |
real-time replication delay | 实时同步延迟 | |
recursion | 递归 | |
reduction operation | 归约操作 | |
Redundant Array of Independent Disks (RAID) | 独立冗余磁盘阵列 | |
refactor | 重构 | |
Region | Region | |
regular expression | 正则表达式 | |
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) | 关系型数据库管理系统 | |
remote disaster recovery | 异地灾备 | |
Remote Procedure Call (RPC) | 远程过程调用 | |
renderer | 渲染器 | |
repair data | 修复数据 | |
replica | 副本 | |
replicator | 复制因子 | |
repository | 仓库 | |
request | 请求 | |
restart | 重启 | |
restore | 恢复 | 可以作为名词 (noun) 或动词 (verb) 使用 |
retention period | 保留时间 | |
return | 返回 | |
return value | 返回值 | |
reuse | 复用 | |
reverse proxy | 反向代理 | |
revoke | (权限)回收 | |
rewind | 回退 | |
rolling update | 滚动升级 | |
rotate | 轮转 | |
rough set | 粗糙集 | |
routine | 例程 | |
row store | 行存 | |
rule based optimization (RBO) | 基于规则的优化 | |
runtime | 运行时 | |
Scalar Function | 标量函数 | |
scale | 扩展 | |
scale in | 缩容 | |
scale out | 扩容 | |
scalability | 扩展性 | |
scenario | 场景 | |
schedule | 调度 | |
scope | 作用域 | |
secondary indices | 次级索引 | |
seed | 数据填充 | |
sequential flooding | 顺序泛洪 | |
service | 服务 | |
session | 会话 | |
shard key | 分片键 | |
shard(s) | 分片(名词) | 比如“删除一个分片”,“SHARD_ROW_ID_BITS = 4 代表 16 个分片”等,此时用 shard(s)。 |
sharded table | 分表 | |
sharding | 分片(动词或动名词) | |
sign bit | 符号位 | |
simulate | 模拟 | |
single-instance | 单机 | |
single point of failure (SPOF) | 单点故障 | |
skip list | 跳跃表 | |
slave | 从库 | |
slow query | 慢查询 | |
snapshot | 快照 | |
snapshot isolation (SI) | 快照隔离 | |
soft limit | 软限制 | |
sort | 排序 | |
sorted | 有序的 | |
source end | 源端 | |
split | 切分 | |
stack | 堆栈 | |
startup parameter | 启动参数 | |
stateful | 有状态的 | |
stateless | 无状态的 | |
statement | 语句 | |
Static Sorted Table (SST) | 静态排序表文件 (SST) | |
stop | 下线 | |
storage capacity | 存储能力 | |
storage engine | 存储引擎 | |
stored procedure | 存储过程 | |
stream computing | 流计算 | |
stress test | 压力测试 | |
string | 字符串 | |
strong consistency | 强一致性 | |
struct | 结构体 | |
subquery | 子查询 | |
super class | 超类 | |
synchronizing/syncing | 同步 | |
Syntactic sugar | 语法糖 | In computer science, syntactic sugar is syntax within a programming language that is designed to make things easier to read or to express. It makes the language "sweeter" for human use: things can be expressed more clearly, more concisely, or in an alternative style that some may prefer. |
syntax | 语法 | |
system variable | 系统变量 | |
table schema | 表结构 | |
target machine | (部署)目标机器 | |
technology stack | 技术栈 | |
test | 测试 | |
the configuration file | 配置文件 | |
Transparent Huge Pages (THP) | 透明大页 | A Linux memory management system |
thread | 线程 | |
thread pool | 线程池 | |
throughput | 吞吐 | |
TiDB | TiDB | |
TiKV | TiKV | |
time out | 超时 | |
time series database | 时序数据库 | |
Time Series Database (TSDB) | 时序数据库 | |
time synchronization error | 时间同步误差 | |
Time To Live (TTL) | 存活时间 | |
timeliness | 时效性 | |
timestamp | 时间戳 | |
timestamp allocator | 时间戳分配器 | |
Timestamp Oracle (TSO) | Timestamp Oracle (TSO) | |
token bucket | 令牌桶 | An algorithm used in packet switched computer networks and telecommunications networks |
tolerate | 容忍 | |
topology | 拓扑结构 | |
traffic flow control | 流控/流量控制 | |
transaction | 事务 | |
traverse | 遍历 | |
trie | 字典树 | |
trie | 单词查找树 | |
tutorial | 教程 | |
type | 类型 | |
type infer | 类型推导 | |
unbind | 解除(对服务、软件的)依赖,绑定,关联 | |
underlying table | 底层表 | |
unidirectional data flow | 单向数据流 | |
union | 联合体 | |
Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) | 通用唯一识别码 | |
unsigned integer | 无符号整数 | |
update | 修改(如:修改行) | |
user identification | 用户标识 | |
user privilege | 用户权限 | |
variable | 变量 | |
verification | 验证 | |
verify | 验证 | |
Vertical Pod Autoscaling (VPA) | Pod 自动垂直扩容 | TiDB on Kubernetes |
wild card | 通配符 | |
work queue(s) | 工作队列 | |
wrapper | 封装器 | |
write amplification (WA) | 写放大 | |
write buffer | 写缓冲器 | |
write skew | 写偏斜 | |
write-ahead logging (WAL) | 预写式日志 |