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1388 lines (1070 loc) · 30.5 KB

Fundraising Event Featured Projects List


A list of projects that are currently supported by the fundraising event.

This is an experimental feature and is still under heavy development. Please use it with caution.

URL Parameters

Parameter Example Required Description
fundraising_event_id 19267 yes

Fundraising Event id as an integer number ≥ 1.

Response Attributes

Root Attributes

Attribute Types Example Description
id number 1

An integer number ≥ 1

created_at string "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z"

DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone) when the project was created by the project manager.

updated_at string "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z"

DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone)

latitude number 52.499007

Decimal degrees based on user input

longitude number 13.44947

Decimal degrees based on user input

street null | string "Schlesische Straße 26"

Street address

zip null | string "10997"

ZIP code

city null | string "Berlin"

Name of the city

country null | string "Deutschland"

Name of the country

content_updated_at string "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z"

DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone)

activated_at null | string "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z"

DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone) when the project was activated by us, otherwise it is null.

title string

Max 50 character

description string

A description of the project. This may contain any of the following HTML tags: a, b, br, div, em, i, iframe, img, li, ol, p, strong, ul.

summary string

A short summary of the project..

tax_deductible boolean true

True if the project marked as tax deductible. If so, Users can request a tax receipt that can be used with the German tax authorities. More about this.

donations_prohibited boolean false

True if the project must not receive donations. This might happen, for example, if a tax receipt of German tax authorities ran out.

Please check this flag whenever you display a donation button. Should you show a button for a project that cannot receive donations the user will open the donation form and see an error message on instead!

completed_at string "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z"

DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone) of the moment the project was fully funded (100% progress_percentage).

A completed project may still be active (as in not closed). See `closed_at for details.

closed_at string "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z"

DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone) when the project was closed by the project manager.

A closed project does not have to be fully funded. See completed_at for details.

open_amount_in_cents number 12382

How many cents are needed to complete the project

donated_amount_in_cents number 12382

How many cents are donated already. This includes:

  • sum of all donations
  • sum of all forwardings to the project
  • external donations


  • backwardings from the project
positive_opinions_count number 13

Number of positive opinions that are given to a project without a donation. Those are plain opinions as well as visitor opinions.

DEPRECATED 2017-06-23

Use donations_count and comments_count instead. There is no distinction between positive and negative comments any more, all opinions were converted into comments.

negative_opinions_count number 0

Number of negative opinions (usually 0) that are given to a project without a donation. Those are plain opinions as well as visitor opinions. Critical opinions are part of the "Web of trust".

DEPRECATED 2017-06-23

Always returns 0. Don't use this field any more.

donations_count number 42

Count of confirmed donations for this project

newsletter_subscriptions_count number 42

Count of active newsletter subscriptions for this project.


Can be removed at any time. Use with caution

comments_count number 24

Count of all comments for this project. This contains positive and negative reviews of the project, questions and answers by the project manager, as well as comments from users.

donor_count number 46

Number of unique donors, based on the payment-email-address

progress_percentage number 82

% financed. Note: We have legacy projects with substantial donation needs (pre ~2014). This percentage includes those needs.

incomplete_need_count number 6

Number of needs that still need donations

completed_need_count number 12

Number of completed needs

blog_post_count number 8

Number of blogposts (all types)

↓contact object TODO

The public face of the project / project manager

↓carrier null | object TODO

The organisation that carries this project

↓profile_picture null | object


↓active_matching_fund null | object TODO

DEPRECATED Do not use this data. We will remove the nested matching fund data in the future.

To get this data follow the active_matching_fund link and retrieve the data from the appropriate endpoint.

↓closed_notice null | object TODO

This is an experimental feature and is still under heavy development. Please use it with caution.

Attribute Types Example Description number 1

An integer number ≥ 1 null | string "Till B."

Display name of a user. Possible formats: "Till B.", "T. Behnke", "Till Behnke".

In the case of donation-opinions the name might also be empty/null for anonymous donations for anonymous donations.

↓contact.picture object // ↪/uploads/user/profile_picture ↪/000/000/001 ↪/fill_100x100_original_tb.jpg

User profile picture or a fallback image

Attribute Types Example Description
contact.picture.fallback boolean true

Specifies whether a fallback image is given or not

Attribute Types Example Description number 1

An integer number ≥ 1 string "Till B."

The carrier can be an organisation or user. string "Berlin"

The city in which the carrier resides

↓carrier.picture object…

The organisation logo, user profile picture or a fallback image

Attribute Types Example Description
carrier.picture.fallback boolean true

Specifies whether a fallback image is given or not

Attribute Types Example Description
profile_picture.fallback boolean true

Specifies whether a fallback image is given or not

Attribute Types Example Description number 1

An integer number ≥ 1

active_matching_fund.created_at string "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z"

DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone)

active_matching_fund.updated_at string "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z"

DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone)

active_matching_fund.activated_at null | string "1994-11-05T13:15:30Z"

DateTime (ISO8601 with Timezone)

active_matching_fund.title string ACME Matching Everything

Our matching fund's name

active_matching_fund.description string It's all about matching donations…

The description of the matching fund

active_matching_fund.company_name string ACME

The company that supports it

active_matching_fund.client_id string clientname

The client to which the matching fund belongs

active_matching_fund.provided_amount_in_cents number 12300

The amount in cents the company provided to be matched

active_matching_fund.donated_amount_in_cents number 12300

The amount in cents the company already donated

active_matching_fund.state string activated

Current state of this matching fund: either activated or closed

active_matching_fund.logo_url string

The URL of the logo image.

active_matching_fund.maximum_matching_amount_in_cents number 10000

Up to this amount donations get matched by the matching fund

Attribute Types Example Description
closed_notice.text null | string Thank you for the successful funding.

A close notice from the project manager

Response Links

Linkname Description


Link to this resource itself (project details)


Permalink to


Link to donations/opinions list


Link to project pictures list


Link to project needs list


Link to blog posts list


Link to matching fund


Link to a youtube video of this project


Link to matching funds list


Link to categories list


Link to the donation form. Templated, needs insertion of the client_id.


Link to the regular donation form.


The user's profile on To view a user profile you have to be logged in. This array is empty if the user has no useraccount with but donated via one of our partner.


The user's contact data. Please note that you need to be authenticated as a client with matching access rights in order to see this information.


100×100 Pixel


Maximum sized image. This is the original image with default-cropping or user-cropping applied.


Link to this resource itself (organisation details) Note: Since the there is no api for users yet, this is only set for organisations.


100×100 Pixel


Maximum sized image. This is the original image with default-cropping or user-cropping applied.


950×500 Pixel


730×380 Pixel


618×322 Pixel / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015


410×214 Pixel


270×141 Pixel / DEPRECATED, will be removed after 5/2015


Maximum sized image. This is the original image with default-cropping or user-cropping applied.


Link to this resource itself (matching fund details)


Permalink to


Link to the list of projects belonging to this matching fund


Link to this resource in the documentation


A link to a final blog post, the next project url or any other followup information for the donors.

Response Example

  "total_entries": 1,
  "offset": 0,
  "total_pages": 1,
  "current_page": 1,
  "per_page": 25,
  "data": [
      "id": 1114,
      "created_at": "2009-03-10T11:12:16+01:00",
      "updated_at": "2020-04-20T15:42:58+02:00",
      "latitude": 34.5553494,
      "longitude": 69.207486,
      "street": "Höhenweg 124",
      "zip": "",
      "city": "Afghanistan, Cambodia",
      "country": "Südafrika",
      "content_updated_at": "2020-04-20T15:42:58+02:00",
      "activated_at": "2009-03-10T00:00:00+01:00",
      "title": "Unterstütze Skateistan - Sport & Bildung für KindeЯЯЯ Eylül Çamcı",
      "description": "<div>Skateistan ist eine mehrfach ausgezeichnete, internationale non-profit Organisation, welche Kinder in Afghanistan, Kambodscha und Südafrika durch Skateboarden und Bildung stark macht. Mit unseren innovativen Programmen möchten wir jungen Menschen die Möglichkeit bieten Vorbilder für eine bessere Welt zu werden. Viele unserer Schüler haben nur wenige Möglichkeiten an Sport- und Bildungsangeboten teilzunehmen. Das betrifft insbesondere Mädchen, gehandicapte Kinder und andere Minderheiten. Armut, Konflikte und Gefahren sind die Realitäten für die Menschen in den Gebieten, wo wir aktiv sind. In solchen Umständen ist es schwer für die Kinder gehört zu werden und genauso mühsam ihr physisches und mentales Wohl sicherzustellen.<br><br>Wir von Skateistan glauben, dass jedes Kind einen Zugang zu Bildung und Freizeitgestaltung braucht, bei dem sie Selbstvertrauen aufbauen können, Freunde kennen lernen und neue Fähigkeiten erlernen, die eine positive Vorbildfunktion mit sich bringen. Skateistan erreicht mit ihren Skateschulen derzeit mehr als 2.600 Schüler weltweit. Über die Hälfte der Skateistan Schüler sind weiblich und Skateboarden ist seither der größte Sport für Mädchen in Afghanistan.<br><br>In 2018 haben wir unseren zehnten Geburtstag gefeiert. Von einigen wenigen Mädchen auf Skateboards in Kabul ist Skateistan zu einer internationalen Nichtregierungsorganisation mit über 2000 aktiven Schülern in drei Ländern gewachsen. <strong>Doch das ist für uns erst der Anfang. Wir wollen noch mehr erreichen, so dass noch mehr Kinder durch Bildung und Skateboarding gestärkt werden.<br></strong><br>\n</div><div>Indem wir Programme für Kinder aus sämtlichen Gesellschaftsschichten zur Verfügung stellen, helfen wir, soziale Grenzen abzubauen. Wir zeigen Kindern, dass Vielfalt etwas ist, was es zu feiern gilt. <strong>Über 50% unserer Schüler sind Mädchen und 78% unserer Schüler kommen aus Familien, die über keine finanziellen Mittel zur Selbsthilfe verfügen</strong>. 160 unserer Kinder leben mit Behinderungen und über 70 Kinder sind im eigenen Land vertrieben.<br><br>\n</div><div>Deswegen betreibt Skateistan Skate-Schulen in Afghanistan, Kambodscha und Südafrika, die den Spaß und den Freigeist von Skateboarding verbindet mit der Chance für die Kinder, ihre kreativen Talente und Interessen auszuprobieren. <strong>Wir glauben, dass Bildung der beste Weg ist, um Kinder zu stärken</strong>, sodass sie den Wandel in ihrem eigenen Umfeld, in ihren Familien, ihren Nachbarschaften einleiten und Gelerntes dort weitergeben. Indem sie über Spiel und Spaß lernen, stellen wir eine positive Verbindung zu Bildung her. Skateboarding lehrt sie außerdem Lektionen, die sie für ihr ganzes Leben behalten. <strong>Skateboarding lehrt sie, kreativ zu werden, hinzufallen und wieder aufzustehen und auf ein Ziel hinzuarbeiten.</strong>\n</div><div><br></div>",
      "summary": "Skateistan will Kindern in Afghanistan, Kambodsha und Sudafrika neue Perspektiven eröffnen, Vorurteile abbauen, Gleichberechtigung fördern und Freude bringen.",
      "tax_deductible": true,
      "donations_prohibited": false,
      "completed_at": null,
      "closed_at": null,
      "open_amount_in_cents": 977539,
      "donated_amount_in_cents": 6647313,
      "positive_opinions_count": 928,
      "negative_opinions_count": 0,
      "donations_count": 928,
      "newsletter_subscriptions_count": 360,
      "comments_count": 0,
      "donor_count": 669,
      "progress_percentage": 87,
      "incomplete_need_count": 4,
      "completed_need_count": 98,
      "blog_post_count": 95,
      "contact": {
        "id": 236650,
        "name": "Paul Meier",
        "picture": {
          "links": [
              "rel": "fill_100x100",
              "href": ""
              "rel": "original",
              "href": ""
        "links": [
            "rel": "platform",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "contact_data",
            "href": ""
      "carrier": {
        "id": 1054,
        "name": "Skateistan",
        "city": "Berlinsdf",
        "picture": {
          "links": [
              "rel": "fill_100x100",
              "href": ""
              "rel": "original",
              "href": ""
        "links": [
            "rel": "self",
            "href": ""
      "profile_picture": {
        "links": [
            "rel": "fill_960x500",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "fill_730x380",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "fill_618x322",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "fill_410x214",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "fill_270x141",
            "href": ""
            "rel": "original",
            "href": ""
      "active_matching_fund": null,
      "closed_notice": null,
      "links": [
          "rel": "self",
          "href": ""
          "rel": "platform",
          "href": ""
          "rel": "opinions",
          "href": ""
          "rel": "pictures",
          "href": ""
          "rel": "needs",
          "href": ""
          "rel": "blog_posts",
          "href": ""
          "rel": "video",
          "href": ""
          "rel": "matching_funds",
          "href": ""
          "rel": "categories",
          "href": ""
          "rel": "new_client_donation",
          "href": "",
          "templated": true
          "rel": "new_donation",
          "href": ""