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Divine Symbol

Hyperlynx edited this page Feb 27, 2024 · 6 revisions

Version 8+ only

The Divine Symbol is an Astral altered version of the Iron Symbol.



To create a Divine Symbol, transmute an Iron Symbol with Astral Power.


The Divine Symbol kills undead mobs (specifically those mobs for which healing and harming are inverted) in an 8 block radius.

It also removes Curse from nearby Crucibles.


Using some Power Bottle on the Divine Symbol will 'donate' the power into the Symbol. The player who donated the Power will be granted a small boon of some sort. If you cannot accept the boon for some reason the Symbol will usually not take the bottle.

Power Donated Reward
Vital Full heal. If already full health, does not take the bottle.
Light Removes invisibility or, if not invisible, grants Glowing
Warp If linked bottle was used, teleports you to the bottle's destination without consuming the bottle. Otherwise, no effect.
Mind Grants "Inspired Reach", which extends your reach by two blocks.
Blaze Sets you on fire, gives fire resistance, and grants "Blazing Rebuke", which makes attackers take fire damage.
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