This is the repository for the course materials and workshops.
Lecture 1 : Introduction to complex trait genetics (E. Zeggini) | download presentation |
Lecture 2 : Quality control (K. Hatzikotoulas) | download presentation |
Lecture 3 : Statistics for Human Genetics (O. Bocher) | download presentation |
Lecture 4 : Meta-analysis strategies in genome-wide association studies (O. Bocher) | download presentation |
Lecture 5 : Publicly available bioinformatics resources (K. Hatzikotoulas) | download presentation |
Lecture 6 : An introduction to Polygenic Scores (A. Arruda) | download presentation |
Lecture 7 : Molecular QTL mapping in humans (O. Bocher) | download presentation |
Workshop 1 : The UNIX command line | Go to workshop (basic) (PowerPoint version) Go to workshop (advanced) |
Workshop 2 : Quality Control for genome-wide association scans | Go to workshop (part 1) Go to workshop (part 2) |
Workshop 3 : Performing a genetic association study | Go to workshop Google drive folder |
Workshop 4 : Meta-analysis of genetic association studies | Go to workshop Google drive folder |
Workshop 6 : Polygenic risk scores | Go to workshop |
Workshop 7 : Molecular QTL mapping in humans | Go to workshop |