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PlotBurden : an interactive tool for visualising results of rare variant burden associations

Update: plotburden should now be compatible with the latest version of bokeh. We have transitioned it to a bokeh server application (see below for details), which makes it a bit harder to use (but not too much). plotburden is now compatible with meta-analyses performed using SMMAT. It has been tested on outputs of our containerised rare variant association pipeline.

This tool is aimed at helping researchers explore the results of their gene-based burden testing analyses. It links together results from a burden test, single point association data at the locus and online resources in a single customisable interactive plot. It connects to Ensembl to fetch relevant information about the variants (MAF, rsIDs) and the functional context (overlapping regulatory or genic features, prior evidence of association...). More precisely, it can help answer the following questions:

  • Which variants drive my burden?
  • Which variants are up/down-weighted?
  • What is the LD structure between my variants?
  • Is the burden really driven by a single point signal?
  • Do any of the variants recapitulate existing single-point associations?
  • Are the driver variants intronic, exonic or regulatory?


An image speaks better than a thousand words:

Single-cohort example

Example image The interactive version can be found here.

Meta-analysis example

This requires a server so cannot be hosted on github. Example image - Meta-analysis


In order to run this software you need to have working copies of the following tools installed:

Python libraries

  • pandas
  • numpy
  • bokeh
  • pybedtools
  • requests
  • urllib (urllib.request and urllib.parse)


Hopefully, this tool should work quasi out-of-the-box. It needs tabix and plink to be in your path, since it calls these directly from inside the script. This is done like:

export PATH=/path/to/tabix:/path/to/plink:$PATH

If you want to make these changes permanent, do:

echo 'export PATH=/path/to/tabix:/path/to/plink:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc


So far, the program works only with the output of GEMMA for the single-point data and MONSTER for burden testing. Compatibility with more tools can be provided upon request.

Usage for single cohorts using MONSTER

Warning: since development has shifted towards the meta-analysis version, some parts of the original single-cohort code may be broken.

Warning all arguments are required and positional.

./ [gene_name] [input_monster] [output_monster] [sp_results] [vcf] [window] [output]
  • gene_name is the name of the gene (e.g. CETP).
  • input_monster is the location of the variant file that is given to MONSTER as input.
  • output_monster : location of the output of the MONSTER run.
  • sp_results : location of the single-point results file. Expected to be bgzipped and tabixed.
  • vcf : VCF containing source variants. Used for LD calculation.
  • window : Window, in base pairs, to extend gene boundaries by. If this is too large, the program will be very, very slow. We have experienced good results with 30kb.
  • output : output file in html format.

Usage for SMMAT

You will first need to generate a binary file that contains plot data, then pass that file to a visualisation script. This is easily automated in a script with your own data paths. In the following documentation, the script takes information from i cohorts, plus the meta-analysis.

Calculating plot data [phenotype_name] [gene_name] [condition] [variant_set_file] \
                  single_cohort_RV_results_file_0[,single_cohort_RV_results_file_1[,...]]],meta_analysis_RV_results_file cohort_name_0[,cohort_name_1[,...]] \
                  single_cohort_SP_results_file_0[,single_cohort_SP_results_file_1[,...]]],meta_analysis_SP_results_file \
                  single_cohort_VCF_0[,single_cohort_VCF_1[,...]] \
                  [window] [output] [linked_features] [chopping]
  • phenotype_name the phenotype name used in the rare variant output files (e.g. LDL).
  • gene_name is the name of the gene (e.g. CETP). This will be converted to ENSG ids via an API call to Ensembl, so has to be recognizable and mappable by it.
  • condition variant selection method used when performing burden tests (The script expects to find variant sets named ENSGXXX.condition in the set file, where ENSGXXX maps to gene_symbol in Ensembl, see section "Input" below).
  • variant_set_file variant set file used for burden testing. It can contain all genes (study wide) or just the gene/condition you are interested in. It should be of the form set_name\tchr\tpos\tallele1\tallele2\tweight (no header).
  • single_cohort_RV_results_file_i : results of burden associations in each cohort, separately. It should be tab delimited, optionally gzipped, with the following columns : "gene","pheno","condition","symbol","O_pval".
  • meta_analysis_RV_results_file : results of burden association meta-analysis. It should be tab delimited, optionally gzipped, with the following columns : "gene","pheno","group","symbol","O_pval". group here is equivalent to condition above.
  • single_cohort_SP_results_file_i : As above, for single-point association. Expected to be bgzipped and tabixed, GEMMA and GCTA outputs are supported.
  • meta_analysis_SP_results_file : As above, for single-point association. METAL output is supported.
  • single_cohort_VCF_i : Single-cohort VCF containing SNP information for all SNPs included in variant_set_file and single_cohort_SP_results_file_i, SNPs are not required to be named identically, since matching is done per position. Can be single-chromosome, region-based or whole-genome. Used for LD calculation.
  • window : Window, in base pairs, to extend gene boundaries by. If this is too large, the program will be very, very slow. We have experienced good results with 30kb.
  • output : output file in html format.
  • linked_features : linked features file generated by our containerised rare variant association pipeline.
  • chopping: please set this to False

Visualising the plot

The above step will generate a .bin document containing plot data. This has to be run on a machine where you either can run a browser, or one that you can access via a network. This file is read by the second script:

bokeh serve --port [port_number] --args [binfile]
  • port_number local port to serve the plot on. If you don't know what to put there, use any number above 10000.
  • binfile The file generated in the step above.

Then go to the address http://hostname:port_number/display_plot. hostname is localhost if you are opening a browser on the same machine the server is running on, or the name of the machine otherwise. If this does not work, the port may be blocked or the network configuration may prevent you from serving webpages. In that case, contact your sysadmin or run this on your own machine.

Genome build

The program is currently only compatible with build 38 (GRCh38) of the human genome. Compatibility with b37 can be provided upon request.