We love your input! We want to make contributing to this project as easy and transparent as possible, whether it's:
- Reporting a bug
- Discussing the current state of the code
- Submitting a fix
- Proposing new features
- Becoming a contributor
We use GitHub issues to track public bugs. Report a bug by opening a new issue; it's that easy! Before you do so check forum and see if you find the answer to your issues or questions. Also keep your issues in GitHub to only tech related topics. For not tech related matters you can contact [email protected].
Before you contribite any code we assume that you have read the license and accept to give the full right of your code to HollaEx for its public use. To submit a code contribution, make sure you open a Pull Request to develop
branch describing the code change clearly in english and provide any additional information in your PR. Follow the code format used in the project and run prettier as well as eslint configuration set in the project.
Language strings are stored in web as well as emails. To add a new language you need to create a new language file in both web and mail following ISO 639-1 standard.
You can start by copying en.js file and rename en
to the new ISO 639-1 language and start translating. Some notes to remember when doing the translation:
- Do not change the file keys. For example in
APP_TITLE: 'HollaEx'
should not be changed since it is used as an identifier. - Keep the JavaScript object format and do not change string quotes such as
, commas,
etc. - Do not remove numbers in brackets such as
etc. These are dynamic values such as the coin name etc and should not be changed. You need to just rearrange the placement of such words in the sentence if necessary. - Custom code cases such as the example below are rare but can be found in the file. In these cases please read the comment in front of them.
{ value: 'market', label: 'market' }, // DO NOT CHANGE value, ONLY TRANSLATE label
{ value: 'limit', label: 'limit' }, // DO NOT CHANGE value, ONLY TRANSLATE label
In this case only translate the label and do not change value.
Just like web strings the are emails that should be supported for each new language. Start by copying this english translation file similar to the web and add all the new email translations into this json file.
Please keep in mind not to change dynamic variables inside ${}
such as ${email}
and html tags such as <p>
or </p>
We use GitHub strictly to code and do not use it for general discussions. For general discussions with others in the community and sharing your ideas, feature request you can use Discord and make sure to check Forum posts for any questions you have.