Deep Reinforcement Learning
- A Survey of Paraphrasing and Textual Entailment Methods, 2010 arxiv
Dictionary-Guided Editing Networks for Paraphrase Generation, AAAI 2019, arxiv
Paraphrase Generation with Deep Reinforcement Learning, EMNLP 2018, arxiv | pdf | code
generation model
The generator, built as a sequence-to-sequence learning model, can produce paraphrases given a sentence.
The evaluator, constructed as a deep matching model, can judge whether two sentences are paraphrases of each other.
The generator is first trained by deep learning and then further fine-tuned by reinforcement learning in which the reward is given by the evaluator.
A Deep Generative Framework for Paraphrase Generation, AAAI 2018, arxiv | blog | code | code
Neural Paraphrase Generation with Stacked Residual LSTM Networks, COLING 2016 arxiv | code