扯扯 Semi-hard Negative Samples
如何解决数据不平衡问题? - 目标检测中的不平衡问题的进展
These bad case or error maybe the evidence to the negative sample problem in the training datasets.
For the network to learn well, it is useful to not feed random wrong answers to it, but those that are "hard". That means answers that are wrong, but close to question in the cosine distance. But if you feed only the hardest questions to the network, it fails to converge, it is just "too hard". Instead people have found that using "semi-hard negative samples" - answers, which are further than the right answer, but still within the margin - works best.
ranking models
computer vision
FaceNet: A Unified Embedding for Face Recognition and Clustering, CVPR 2015 arxiv
Triplet Loss
Distributed representations of words and phrases and their compositionality, NIPS, 2013
Popularity-based sampling by CBOW can ensure more connections between positive and negative words, since popular words may appear frequently to build connections with lots of positive words.
Wordrank: Learning word embeddings via robust ranking. CoRR, 2015
Improving negative sampling for word representation using self-embedded features, CORR 2017.
An adaptive sampler was proposed to strategically select those negative words that have larger inner products with contextual words than positive words.
Approximating Word Ranking and Negative Sampling for Word Embedding, IJCAI 2018, paper | code
A ranking model with the optimization in both positive word ranking and negative word sampling.
The Impact of Negative Samples on Learning to Rank, 2017 paper
i) train a ranking model on the full dataset and we use it to rank the query-document pairs of the same dataset;
ii) select a given fraction of the top-ranked negative samples, i.e., label = 0, together with all the positive ones, i.e., label > 0.
iii) varying the fraction of negatives sampling, such as {5%, 10%, 20%, 40%}. For the similarity distribution between pairs of documents in the negative class, the model will be effective in discriminating among the negative examples.
Strategy of the Negative Sampling for Training Retrieval-Based Dialogue Systems, 2018 arxiv
Change the responses distribution and to choose responses for negative samples from the transformed distribution.