A simple list of features and improvements that could be added to Atomic Swap. You can think of this as the step before I create a task.
- enable libcheck in tsconfig (cardano-seralization lib has build error)
- useContext
- zustand vs redux
- Add support for more caradno networks beyond mainnet and testnet
- add autoconnect wallet
- add setting to disable autoconnect
- rewrite sync algorithm
- rewrite transaction construction algorithm
- Both should send completed transaction...
- Add tests to check output UTxO size... both old and new lib
- rebuild the transaction building code
- Add property based testing
- Support for Ergo
- Show the image of NFTs
- Make sure the app can operate even if blockfrost is down
- Allow users to turn off fetching metadata from blockfrost
- Check that the users browser supports all the browser API:s we are using (audio & mic + webrtc)
- Update toasts to have the correct colors.
- Make app responsive when the wallet changes network etc
- After a successfully trade the website refreshes so as to get into a known state... we should fix so that we don't have to do that anymore
- Make a clear distinction in the GUI between raw data and when we use metadata
- Create a bunch of proper issues from this TODO...
- Refactor and use Text & Layer Styles (Chakra UI)
- Refactor to use Semantic Tokens (Chakra UI)