{{ channel.selectedConfigFacility?.facilityId }}
+{{ translate("No inventory channel found.") }}
+{{ translate("No record found") }}
+{{ translate("Search for to find results", { label }) }}
+{{ translate("No result found for", { label: queryString }) }}
+{{ $t("No jobs have run yet")}}
-{{ getDate(job.runTime) }}
-{{ facility.facilityId }}
+{{ translate("No facility found.") }}
+{{ facility.facilityId }}
+{{ translate("No facility found.") }}
+{{ channel.selectedConfigFacility?.facilityId }}
+{{ translate("No inventory channel found.") }}
+{{ translate("No safety stock rule found.") }}
+{{ product.variants.length }} {{ $t("variants") }}
-{{ $t("Color") }}: {{ variant.color }}
-{{ $t("Size") }}: {{ variant.size }}
-{{ translate("Version: ", { appVersion }) }}
+ +{{ translate("Built: ", { builtDateTime: getDateTime(appInfo.builtTime) }) }}
+{{ $t("No time zone found")}}
+{{ translate("No time zone found") }}