This is ONLY for Windows
- R 3.4.x and Rstudio
- R 3.5.x doesn't work with rClr_0.7-4 binary at this moment
- Download ROSIsoft.zip from https://pisquare.osisoft.com/blogs/holgeramort/2018/02/19/rosisoft-osisoft-pi-and-r-version-2
- OSIsoft.AFSDK.dll must exist in C:\Program Files (x86)\PIPC\AF\PublicAssemblies\4.0
Installing ROSIsoft.zip
- Download the file from https://pisquare.osisoft.com/blogs/holgeramort/2018/02/19/rosisoft-osisoft-pi-and-r-version-2
- Extract rClr_0.7-4.zip
- Tools -> Install Packages -> Install from: Package Archive File
- Install rClr_0.7-4.zip and ROSIsoft.zip
- Download the file from https://pisquare.osisoft.com/blogs/holgeramort/2018/02/19/rosisoft-osisoft-pi-and-r-version-2
Sample run
- In R CLI
- library(ROSIsoft)
- AFSetup()
- con <- ConnectToPIWithPrompt('cmssvm166')
- Will ask username/password
- con$IsPIConnected
- data <- GetPointValues('SINUSOID', '2018-Dec-11 01:45:00', '2018-Dec-12 05:55:00', 'interpolated',10)
- head(data)
- FindPointsbyName('sinu')
- Find PI tags which have 'sinu' in the name
- data <- GetPointValues('SINUSOID', '2018-Oct-13 03:15:00', '2018-Oct-14 03:25:00', 'recorded',1)
- Pull data as recorded
- "1" in the end is a dummy
- In R CLI