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120 lines (103 loc) · 5.19 KB

File metadata and controls

120 lines (103 loc) · 5.19 KB


Table of contents

System requirements

Dart SDK Version 3.0.0 or greater. Flutter SDK Version 3.16.0 or greater.

Setup instructions

Step - 1 : Clone

Clone the repository.

git clone

Step - 2 : Firebase

  • Create a firebase project
  • Add Google as sign in method by navigating to Authentication -> Sign-in method -> Add new provider -> Google

Step - 3 : Android Configuration

  • Add app by selecting android platform
  • Add SHA Certificate Project Settings -> {Your Android App} -> Add Fingerprint -> {Enter You SHA-1 key} -> Save (To get your SHA-1 key follow this guideline)
  • Download google-services.json & replace it inside cloned repo android -> app -> google-services.json

Step - 4 : iOS Configuration

  • Add app by selecting iOS platform
  • Download GoogleService-Info.plist
  • Delete existing GoogleService-Info.plist from Runner and add new downloaded GoogleService-Info.plist to runner
  • Find and Edit the snipper in ios -> Runner -> Info.plist

Application structure

├── android                       - It contains files required to run the application on an Android platform.
├── assets                        - It contains all images and fonts of the application.
├── ios                           - It contains files required to run the application on an iOS platform.
├── lib                           - Most important folder in the application, used to write most of the Dart code..
    ├── main.dart                 - Starting point of the application
    ├── rem.dart                  - THE APP!
    ├── app                       - It contains all the base/initial view, controller, bindings, services etc to structure the app
    ├── helpers
    │   ├── app_export.dart       - It contains commonly used file imports
    │   ├── constants             - It contains all constants classes               
    │   ├── connectivity          - It contains connectivity-related classes
    │   └── utils                 - It contains common files and utilities of the application
    ├── flavors                   - It contains build and enviroment configurations for the application
    ├── network                   - It contains network/dio client configuration 
    ├── data
    │   ├── models                - It contains request/response models 
    │   └── repository            - Network repository
    ├── localization              - It contains localization classes
    ├── modules                   - It contains widgets of the screens with their controllers and the models of the whole application.
    ├── routes                    - It contains all the routes of the application
    ├── theme                     - It contains app theme configuration
    └── components                - It contains all custom widget classes  

Libraries and tools used