Migrate VSCodium declaration from HM to https://github.com/nix-community/nix-vscode-extensions
Add the Copy Relative Path and Line Numbers extension to VSCode
Add samba shares using plusultra samba module
Add bitwarden wofi interace
Test decreasing value of accelSpeed
Set up GPG + Git commit signing like before
Chromium settings to set: - Use system borders - No bookmarks bar - no home button - Font settings - Theme (I don't use a theme but I could make it use the GTK or QT theme)
Tweak waybar ( Add Memory module, etc.)
Add swaysr for feedback on changing volume or brightness
Add GillSans
Fix DBeaver GTK issues
Index all files on my laptop and be able to fuzzy search through them. Plus what if I can search images with an image like Google Images.
Add fire plugin, calf Plugins and other plugins from VenusTheory's video
Add cool cursor theme (https://www.gnome-look.org/p/2121191, https://nixos.wiki/wiki/Cursor_Themes)
Configure firefox privacy settings defaults
Log system resource utilization per process with atop
Add preview to fzf widget commands + Change completion trigger https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvLQor1Ck3M
Codium extensions: fwcd.kotlin --> Install and configure paths for JDK and stuff or disable those features altogether and use the LSP only
Add treefmt to dev env
Build a good workflow with Thunderbird as my flow
programs to add or master: broot, dysk, repgrep, backdown, monocle, bandwhich
Fix KDE Connect connection issue
activity watchers to add and configure:
- aw-watcher-utilization
- aw-watcher-netstatus (This might be useful in conjunction with vnstat data to determine how much of my personal internet quota is spent on work-related things.
Add systemd unit cron job that permanently deletes trashed files older than 30d
Zellij UX:
- Make the distinction between the selected terminal and the others more pronounced!
- Resolve conflict between Zellij Ctrl+S and that of nano. Until I use a different text editor.
Add packages: gh + gh-dash
Fix this issue https://discourse.nixos.org/t/applications-not-finding-org-freedesktop-secrets/17667/3 which is also making AnyType crash on startup.
Use Lutris
Try wayshot
Persistent (across restarts) clipboard solution ( cliphist or clipmenu) (https://wiki.archlinux.org/title/clipboard) (https://mpov.timmorgan.org/super-simple-clipboard-history-for-linux/)
Add QGIS workspace configuration to this config
Create user profiles for CPU frequency energy and governer. Each core can be assigned a governer separately.
Add DNS caching to network manager or by configuring systemd-resolvd with it.
Configure Shell prompt to show the current kubectl context (Looks like it's automatically configured.)
So I just did a cleaning session for my cache and trash directories and freed up 60 GBs after many months off working on this computer. The tools I frequently use that build up files are pnpm, yarn, trashy. Let's create a small command that runs these commands from anywhere. I say anywhere because for example to get pnpm in my shell I had to cd to a node project to run the command from there. Not the best approach. Works for now.
Set up vscode with the other method that fetches extensions from the official repository
Create one interface for both the asusctl profile and the cpu-power profile. Probably through a wofi selector and with a system-tray indicator
Configure birdtray or look into thunderbird's system tray feature in the latest version. Probably will need to get it from nix-unstable/nix-latest.
Add newsflash and subscribe to RSS feeds that I care about.
Look for the userland daemon for shortcuts and migrate shortcuts from sway to it!
Add a wallpaper and make the top bar more pretty
Comma + nix-index https://github.com/nix-community/nix-index-database?tab=readme-ov-file
Make my basic shortcuts like mod+q work even in the arabic keyboard layout
Add dua to UNIX utils
Emoji selector with wofi
as alias for clear -
Enable automatic-timezoned or localtimed
Make the laptop log out of my account when it goes to sleep
Add auto-cpu freq
Add udiskie again
Add clamav
create alias for docker delete all images
I want to return the systemd generations menu on
Use the ipermanence module
Use SOPS-nix: - Password - wifi passwords - share ssh key?
Factor out the arabic compatibility settings (if any) like RTL support in terminal or such into a separate module!
Factor out firewall/opensnitch into its own module Figure out cliphist
Yazi is acting weird in alacritty. No it's not alacritty it's due to zellij
Fix tlp config fix gnome-keyring startup isssues
Parallel Disk Usage is blazingly fast in returning a result, but it's off by a huuuuge margin.
Add desktop entry to open glance in the web browser on localhost:8080. How about adding a local DNS entry for it. Doesn't matter that much anyway. Try out sshx?
Install oryx or sniffnet
Move gamemode to a separate specialisation with the sync mode for the GPU just for gaming. Main specializatin only has sway.
Configure clock to 24-hr.
Fix Ollama Setup
- Downloaded larger model
- Enable GPU correctly Currently, Ollama logs "no compatible GPUs found" on startup.
- Can I fix Vulkan support along the way?
- Make the Smart Connections work fully
How to get states in btop or otherwise on iGPU stats?
Compare kube-tui and k9s
Try packaging helm-tui
Secret Management https://0xda.de/blog/2024/07/framework-and-nixos-sops-nix-secrets-management/
Why not try daily-driving one of the alternative/hackable browsers like Nyxt or Qutebrowser?
Also try daily-driving the vim keybindings for chromium or firefox.
What if I can save soe key qpwgraph configurations and commit them to my config repo here. I imagine for example a configuration for running Carla standalone. I don' t know I can also look up some ideas online!
Setup the Desktop MIME type handlers. File manager and browser.
Set up dynamic fan profile based on CPU temperature.
Try out waypipe over the Tailscale VPN
Configure nix-ld or nix-alien
Shift system to night mode with wl-sunset
power/system management
Add intel gpu tools and get used to using gpu top along with btop. Maybe I can
Save btop configuration done from the menu to config repo
TLP configure iGPU settings
Make sure that battery thresholds are configured in the config or using rog-control-center
Start rog-control-center on start
Read up on fan curves for different power profiles
Set up ultra low power specialization that deactivates most CPUs for ultra low battery drain
Use aw-watcher-utilization
Setup HW monitor in Waybar for CPU temp, Memory usage, IO rate
Zotero attachments with zotmoov + syncing them across devices with syncthing
Sync requirements:
One way from phone:
- Recordings
- Notes
- Photos?
I should put Timeless Pine Love on GitHub with a NixOS Config to open it.
On a new machine, I have to run sudo git config --global --add safe.directory '*'
. Find a way to configure git config for the root user. Or for all users on the system for that matter.
Try skim instead of fzf
Configure local DNS resolution for services running on localhost (e.g. syncthing.local)
Fonts to add:
- https://github.com/ipython/xkcd-font
- typodermicfonts
- https://input.djr.com/
- https://tobiasjung.name/profont/
- https://go.dev/blog/go-fonts
- http://www.eastfarthing.com/luculent/
- https://ctan.org/pkg/tapir
Configure rbw using home-manager + add rofi-rbw-wayland