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Web Crawler

well-known web crawler

  1. Apache Nutch

    部署Apache Nutch可以构建出自己的搜索引擎,该框架使用Tika等解析器解析抓取到的HTML, 使用Hadoop来存储数据,支持Solr或Elastic Search来检索。

  2. wayback




  1. document only

    jsoup支持css选择器和xpath,可以方便我们从浏览器复制出元素选择器,进行获取。 DOM解析比较耗内存!

  2. webdriver

    有些网站SEO做的很差,或者使用浏览器渲染,或者延迟加载等手段,很容易造成爬取信息与人访问不一致。 此时借助Selenium WebDriver是个不错的选择(爬取速度确实会非常慢)。

How to use

  1. check your browser and download webdriver

    Pick up webdriver version best match browser version, unzip it and make it executable.

    For Chrome, visit chrome webdriver

    For Edge, visit msedge webdriver

  2. write your task definition json or pick one from project test resources

  3. add program argument and vm options before you run

    For specify webdriver location, add vm option.

    For chrome:;

    For msedge: -Dwebdriver.edge.driver.

    For force use JDK httpclient, add vm option: -Dwebdriver.http.factory=jdk-http-client

    For specify running node webdriver option, add vm option -Dcrawler.application.json or add os environment variable CRAWLER_APPLICATION_JSON.

    For read input task definition, add argument: -r or --read, file:// or http:// or https:// are supported.

    For submit result, use -w or --write, file:// or http:// or https:// are supported.

  4. troubleshooting

    • Invalid Status code=403 text=Forbidden

      Chrome Driver started successfully but WebSocket listener error as chrome version vary:

    • Unknown HttpClient factory jdk-http-client

      As maven-assembly-plugin package all classes into one fat jar, SPI implementation files under 'META-INF/services' directory conflict.

      Assume you exported M2_REPO, usually it is ${user.home}/.m2/repository, and try take selenium-http-jdk-client as classpath option like below:

      java -Dwebdriver.http.factory=jdk-http-client -cp $M2_REPO/org/seleniumhq/selenium/selenium-http-jdk-client/4.6.0/selenium-http-jdk-client-4.6.0.jar -jar crawler*-jar-with-dependencies.jar -r file://local.json -w file://result.json
    • Could not start a new session. Response code 500. Message: unknown error: Chrome failed to start: crashed

      try chrome option '--no-sandbox' as below:

    • Could not start a new session. Response code 500. Message: unknown error: Chrome failed to start: Chrome failed to start: exit abnormally (unknown error: DevToolsActivePort file doesn't exist)

      try combine '--no-sandbox' and '--headless=new' as below:

      -Dcrawler.application.json="{\"arguments\":[\"--headless=new\", \"--no-sandbox\"]}"


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