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Installing the IBM Connectivity Pack

The Connectivity Pack acts as an interface between Kafka Connect connectors and external systems you want to connect to. It can be deployed on OpenShift and other Kubernetes platforms by using the Connectivity Pack Helm chart.


  • OpenShift 4.12 or later
  • Kubernetes version 1.25 or later
  • Helm CLI 3.0 or later


To install the Connectivity Pack, run the following command:

helm install <RELEASE-NAME> <CONNECTIVITY-PACK-HELM-CHART-URL> --set license.licenseId=<LICENSE-ID>,license.accept=true -n <NAMESPACE>


  • <RELEASE-NAME> is the release name of your choice. For example, ibm-connectivity-pack
  • <CONNECTIVITY-PACK-HELM-CHART-URL> is the URL of the latest version of the Connectivity Pack Helm chart. For example:
  • license.licenseId=<LICENSE-ID> is the license identifier (ID) for the program that you purchased. For more information, see licensing reference.
  • license.accept determines whether the license is accepted (default is false if not specified).
  • <NAMESPACE> is the namespace where the Connectivity Pack is deployed.

You can override the default configuration parameters by using the --set flag or by using a custom YAML file. For example, to set the replicaCount as 3, you can use --set replicaCount=3.

For a complete list of configuration parameters supported by the helm chart, see Configuring.


To uninstall the Connectivity Pack by using the Helm chart, run the following command:

helm uninstall <RELEASE-NAME> -n <NAMESPACE>


  • <RELEASE-NAME> is the release name of your Connectivity Pack installation.
  • <NAMESPACE> is the namespace where the Connectivity Pack is deployed.


You can configure your installation by adding configurable parameters through the --set flag in your helm install command or by using a custom YAML file.

The following table lists the configurable parameters of the Connectivity Pack Helm chart and their default values:

Parameter Description Default
license.accept Indicates acceptance of license terms false
license.licenseId license identifier (ID) for the program that you purchased as per licensing reference
replicaCount Number of replicas of the pod 1
bunyan Log configuration for the system See Logging and the sample values.yaml file for more information.
annotations Override with product specific annotations See values.yaml for more information.
environmentVariables Yaml object of environment variables to be added in action and event services
image.registry Image registry URL
image.path Image namespace or the path under image registry before image name and digest cp/ibm-eventstreams
image.imagePullSecretName Kubernetes image pull secret if it already exists in the namespace, if not add the following image pull details to create new secret ibm-entitlement-key
image.imagePullEmail Image pull secret email ID dummyEmail
image.imagePullUsername Image pull username iamapikey
image.imagePullPassword Image pull password dummyPassword
certificate.MTLSenable Enable mTLS else fallback to TLS true
certificate.generate Generate new certificates for mTLS/TLS, this should be used for certificate rotation. However, if certificate.serverSecretName and certificate.clientSecretName are already specified, this option will be ignored. true
certificate.clientSecretName Already existing mTLS client certificate Kubernetes secret name, if left empty new certificate will be generated on helm install
certificate.clientCertPropertyName Property name in secret which holds mTLS client certificate 'tls.crt'
certificate.clientCertKeyPropertyName Property name in secret which holds mTLS client certificate key 'tls.key'
certificate.clientCertPKCSPropertyName Property name in secret which holds PKCS12 client certificate 'pkcs.p12'
certificate.pkcsPassword PKCS12 file password
certificate.serverSecretName Already existing mTLS/TLS server certificate Kubernetes secret name. If left empty, a new certificate will be generated during Connectivity Pack installation.
certificate.serverCertPropertyName Property name in secret which holds mTLS/TLS server certificate 'tls.crt'
certificate.serverCertKeyPropertyName Property name in secret which holds mTLS/TLS server certificate key 'tls.key'
certificate.caCertPropertyName Property name in secret which holds certificate authority certificate 'ca.crt'
route.enable Enable OpenShift Route for external access update domain and make certificate.generate to true so that certificate has the domain entry, Enable only for OpenShift cluster false
route.domain Domain or subdomain of cluster ''
basicAuth.enable Enable basic authentication for service false
basicAuth.username Basic auth username csuser
preHook.image Prehook job image name connectivity-pack-prehook
preHook.digest Prehook job image digest sha256:a401875a35737d377e7a18753ba26a52999d8c060589256e32263008c5f19747
proxy.image Proxy service container image name connectivity-pack-proxy
proxy.digest Proxy service container image digest sha256:8ee2b1fe96f00fb90bd25df122097f3653ba7b83eb6808a5a3971e21548a5fe4
action.image Action service container image name action-connectors
action.digest Action service container image digest
action.resources Action service container resources Check Kubernetes deployment resources for more details See values.yaml
event.enable Enable event container true
event.image Event service container image name event-connectors
event.digest Event service container image digest
event.resources Event service container resources Check Kubernetes deployment resources for more details See values.yaml
javaservice.enable Enable java-service container false
javaservice.image java-service container image name connector-service-java
javaservice.digest java-service container image digest
javaservice.resources java-service container resources Check Kubernetes deployment resources for more details See values.yaml
autoScaling.enable Enable auto-scaling false
autoScaling.minReplicas Minimum replicas for auto-scaling 1
autoScaling.maxReplicas Maximum replicas for auto-scaling 5
autoScaling.cpuUtilization Target CPU utilization percentage for auto-scaling 70
autoScaling.memoryUtilization Target memory utilization percentage for auto-scaling 70

Configuring your mTLS

The Helm chart supports both mTLS and TLS through certificate.MTLSenable:

mTLS Enabled: Certificates are generated and stored in a Kubernetes secret. To regenerate certificates, set certificate.generate to true.

mTLS disabled: If not enabled, the service defaults to TLS.

OpenShift Route

To enable an OpenShift Route for external access, set route.enable to true. This exposes your system outside the cluster through an OpenShift route.

Basic authentication

Basic authentication can be enabled for services by setting basicAuth.enable to true.


The chart supports horizontal pod auto-scaling based on CPU and memory utilization. Add and modify the following snippet in the values.yaml file:

  enable: true
  minReplicas: 1
  maxReplicas: 5
  cpuUtilization: 70
  memoryUtilization: 70


You can configure detailed logging by using the bunyan configuration in the values.yaml file. This supports various logging levels such as info, debug, and trace, and output formats.

      "loglevel": 'trace'|'debug'|'info'|'warn'|'error'|'fatal', //  default logging level of all streams (string)
      "logsrc": true|false, // include the source filename and line-number (boolean)
      "logstdout": {
        "loglevel": 'trace'|'debug'|'info'|'warn'|'error'|'fatal'
      "logstdouttext": {
        "ignoredlogsources": ["shoutyFile.js", "somedir/loudClass.js"] // ignore logs from files with a path matching any of these regexes (array of RegExp strings).  This will set 'logsrc' to true"
      "logstdoutlogdna": {},
      "logfile": {
        "loglevel": 'trace'|'debug'|'info'|'warn'|'error'|'fatal',
        "filename": "mydir/myfile.log", // The path and name of a file to write logs to (string)
        "rotate": true|false, // if true turns on bunyan 'rotating-file' log file rotation, (boolean - defaults to false)
        "rotatecount": 3, // number of files for rotation if active, (number - defaults to 10)
        "rotateperiod": "12h", // log rotation period for rotation if active, time duration eg '1d' or '6h', (string defaults to '1d'
      "logstdoutdashboard" : {
        "logformat": "basic"|"json" // optional, default=basic
      logstdoutwo: {},
      "logdna": {
        "url": '', // ingestion URL for the logDNA instance (string - found on the logDNA dashboard, under '?' (bottom left) > 'REST API' > The value MUST end with /ingest, trim off all the query parameters
        "key": "abc123def456ghi789abc123def456gh", // ingestion key for the logDNA instance (string - found on the logDNA dashboard, under 'settings' > 'ORGANIZATION' > ' API Keys'
        "flushlimit": 1000000, // maximum log buffer size (in bytes) allowed before which the buffer is automatically flushed (default=5000000)
        "flushinterval": 100 //  duration (in ms) to wait from the last flush before the next automated log buffer flush, when flushlimit isn't exceeded (default=250)"