Releases: icbi-lab/meRanTK
Version 1.3.0
Implemented a C-cutoff filter. Removes reads from poor conversion
in the sense that if a read has more than C_cutoff Cs it will
not be considered in m5C calling.
Implement signal to noise ratio filter. Only consider sites
that have a SNR higher than signalToNoise
Implement a minimum C filter. Only consider sites that hav a
minimum of minC Cs.Implemented gene level CR. meRanCall can now calculate the CR for
each individual gene from a provided GTF file. This CR is than
used in the statistical tests for the candidate sites in a
corresponding gene.Implemented conflict solving for overlapping mates of a read pair.
Only one base call, namely the one of the mate with the better
quality score, is considered. -
updated third party programs: STAR, HiSat2, bowtie2
provide a conda env YML file for meRanTK
added support for the current RefSeq mRNA fasta files from NCBI
in the utility. -
minor fixes