This is the running list of what in tech has been affected by COVID-19. Pull requests gratefully accepted, especially around design or data formatting or correctness. If you are a journalist and would like to speak to someone about the list, email [email protected].
Skip to: Companies. Skip to: Events. Skip to: Universities.
{% assign sorted = ( | sort: 'name') %} {% assign wfh_required = ( | where_exp:"item", "item.wfh contains 'Required'" | size ) %} {% assign wfh_encouraged = ( | where_exp:"item", "item.wfh contains 'Encouraged'" | size ) %}
Work from home required: {{ wfh_required}}, Work from home encouraged: {{ wfh_encouraged }}
Company | WFH | Travel | Visitors | Events | Last Update |
{% for company in sorted %} | {{}} | {{company.wfh}} | {{}} | {{company.visitors}} | {{}} |
{% endfor %} |
Back to top: Companies
{% assign cancelled = ( | where_exp:"item", "item.status contains 'cancelled'" | size)%}
Events cancelled: {{cancelled}}
{% for event in %}
- {{}}: {{event.status}}{% endfor %}
Back to top: Companies, Events
{% assign statuses = "" | split: "" %} {% for university in %} {% assign status = university[1].status | downcase %} {% assign statuses = statuses | push: status %} {% endfor %} {% assign remote_count = (statuses | where_exp:"status", "status contains 'remote'" | size)%} Universities moving to remote teaching: {{remote_count}}
{% for university_hash in -%} {% assign university = university_hash[1] %}
- {{}}: {{university.status}} (Last update: {{university.last_update}}) {%- endfor %}
Back to top: Companies, Events, Universities