diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 8cf81ea..0b5e36b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -3,15 +3,403 @@
Terminal calculator and advanced math solver using Python, IPython and SymPy.
## Usage
-[Examples](docs/examples.md) · [Try online](http://calcpy.duckdns.org)
+$ calcpy
+In [1]: 4*2 + 3/4 + sqrt(2)
+Out[1]: √2 + 35/4 ≈ 10.1642135623731
+In [2]: _/2
+√2 35
+── + ── ≈ 5.08210678118655
+2 8
+In [3]: 3MB - 200KB
+Out[3]: 2940928 0x002ce000 0000 0000 0010 1100 1110 0000 0000 0000
+In [4]: 45EUR
+Out[4]: 48.2805000000000⋅USD
+In [5]: diff(sin(x**y), y)
+ y ⎛ y⎞
+x ⋅log(x)⋅cos⎝x ⎠
+In [6]: ((1,2),(2,4))*((5,6),(7,8))
+⎡19 22⎤
+⎢ ⎥
+⎣38 44⎦
+In [7]: ((1,0),(a,b))^-1
+⎡ 1 0⎤
+⎢ ⎥
+⎢-a 1⎥
+⎢─── ─⎥
+⎣ b b⎦
+In [8]: x^2+3x-1=0
+⎡ 3 √13 √13 3⎤
+⎢- ─ + ───, - ─── - ─⎥ ≈ [0.302775637731995, -3.30277563773199]
+⎣ 2 2 2 2⎦
+In [9]: tan(x)?
+Out[9]: tan(x)
+ 2
+tan (x) + 1 = diff(_)
+-log(cos(x)) = integrate(_)
+π = periodicity(_, x)
+ 3 5
+ x 2⋅x ⎛ 6⎞
+x + ── + ──── + O⎝x ⎠
+ 3 15 = series(_)
+[0] = solve(_)
+In [10]: ((1,2),(2,3))?
+⎡1 2⎤
+⎢ ⎥
+⎣2 3⎦
+-1 = det(_)
+4 = trace(_)
+⎡-3 2 ⎤
+⎢ ⎥
+⎣2 -1⎦ = _**-1
+ 2
+λ - 4⋅λ - 1 = _.charpoly().as_expr()
+⎡⎛ ⎡⎡ √5 1⎤⎤⎞ ⎛ ⎡⎡ 1 √5⎤⎤⎞⎤
+⎢⎜ ⎢⎢- ── - ─⎥⎥⎟ ⎜ ⎢⎢- ─ + ──⎥⎥⎟⎥
+⎢⎜2 - √5, 1, ⎢⎢ 2 2⎥⎥⎟, ⎜2 + √5, 1, ⎢⎢ 2 2 ⎥⎥⎟⎥
+⎢⎜ ⎢⎢ ⎥⎥⎟ ⎜ ⎢⎢ ⎥⎥⎟⎥
+⎣⎝ ⎣⎣ 1 ⎦⎦⎠ ⎝ ⎣⎣ 1 ⎦⎦⎠⎦ = _.eigenvects() # ((eval, mult, evec),...
+⎛⎡ √5 1 1 √5⎤ ⎞
+⎜⎢- ── - ─ - ─ + ──⎥ ⎡2 - √5 0 ⎤⎟
+⎜⎢ 2 2 2 2 ⎥, ⎢ ⎥⎟
+⎜⎢ ⎥ ⎣ 0 2 + √5⎦⎟
+⎝⎣ 1 1 ⎦ ⎠ = _.diagonalize() # (P,D) so _=PDP^-1
+In [11]: \$\frac{1}{x}$ * $\sin{x}$
+ x
+In [12]: diff(_)
+cos(x) sin(x)
+────── - ──────
+ x 2
+ x
+In [13]: latex(_)
+Out[13]: \frac{\cos{\left(x \right)}}{x} - \frac{\sin{\left(x \right)}}{x^{2}}
+In [14]:
+[Try online](http://calcpy.duckdns.org)
## Installation
Prerequisites - [Python](https://www.python.org/downloads/)
diff --git a/docs/demo/asciinario.py b/docs/demo/asciinario.py
index 5fc6400..1cf8dc2 100644
--- a/docs/demo/asciinario.py
+++ b/docs/demo/asciinario.py
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ def do_status_type(self, match):
def do_type(self, match):
- need_escape = "^"
+ need_escape = "^\\"
flags = set(match[1])
message = match[2]
for c in message:
@@ -118,14 +118,21 @@ def play_inscript(text, screen_id):
parser = ArgumentParser()
+parser.add_argument('-t', '--type', default='asciinema', help="type of recorder")
+parser.add_argument("--keep", action="store_true", help="don't kill session")
args, args_reminder = parser.parse_known_args()
instructions = Path(args.scenario).read_text()
screen_id = str(uuid4())
-cmd = f"screen -S {screen_id}"
-recorder_proc = subprocess.Popen(["asciinema", "rec", "--overwrite", "--cols", "80", "--rows", "20", "-c", cmd, args.output])
+if args.type == 'asciinema':
+ cmd = f"screen -S {screen_id}"
+ recorder_proc = subprocess.Popen(["asciinema", "rec", "--overwrite", "--cols", "80", "--rows", "20", "-c", cmd, args.output])
+elif args.type == 'screen':
+ recorder_proc = subprocess.Popen(["screen", "-L", "-Logfile", args.output, "-S", screen_id])
+elif args.type == 'script':
+ recorder_proc = subprocess.Popen(["screen", "-S", screen_id])
# give some time for screen to start
for _ in range(10):
@@ -140,6 +147,11 @@ def play_inscript(text, screen_id):
sys.exit(f"screen session {screen_id} could not be found")
+if args.type == 'script':
+ subprocess.check_output(["screen", "-S", screen_id, "-X", "stuff", rf"script {args.output}\n"])
+ time.sleep(.5)
play_inscript(instructions, screen_id)
-subprocess.check_output(["screen", "-S", screen_id, "-X", "quit"])
+if not args.keep:
+ subprocess.check_output(["screen", "-S", screen_id, "-X", "quit"])
diff --git a/docs/demo/demo_dark.svg b/docs/demo/demo_dark.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 35eb6ca..0000000
--- a/docs/demo/demo_dark.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/demo/demo_html.sh b/docs/demo/demo_html.sh
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2e8fe1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/demo/demo_html.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+echo "export PS1=\"$ \"" >> ~/.bashrc
+calcpy -c 'calcpy.reset(False)'
+calcpy -c 'calcpy.base_currency="usd"'
+calcpy -c 'calcpy.previewer=False'
+cp -f $(dirname "$0")/demo_config.py $(ipython locate)/profile_calcpy/ipython_config.py
+rm -f $(ipython locate)/profile_calcpy/history.sqlite
+rm -f demo_out
+python asciinario.py --type screen demo_scenario.txt demo_out
+# using https://github.com/theZiz/aha
+# cat demo_out | aha > demo_out.html
+cat demo_out | $(dirname "$0")/terminal-to-html -preview > demo_out.html
+# remove the export from bashrc
+head -n -1 ~/.bashrc > temp.txt ; mv temp.txt ~/.bashrc
diff --git a/docs/demo/demo_light.svg b/docs/demo/demo_light.svg
deleted file mode 100644
index 82a39c7..0000000
--- a/docs/demo/demo_light.svg
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,303 +0,0 @@
- $ $ c $ ca $ cal $ calc $ calcp $ calcpy $ calcpyIn [1]: In [1]: 4 4In [1]: 4* In [1]: 4*2 8In [1]: 4*2 In [1]: 4*2 + In [1]: 4*2 + In [1]: 4*2 + 3 11In [1]: 4*2 + 3/ In [1]: 4*2 + 3/4 8.75 In [1]: 4*2 + 3/4 In [1]: 4*2 + 3/4 + In [1]: 4*2 + 3/4 + In [1]: 4*2 + 3/4 + s In [1]: 4*2 + 3/4 + sq In [1]: 4*2 + 3/4 + sqr In [1]: 4*2 + 3/4 + sqrt s + 8.75 In [1]: 4*2 + 3/4 + sqrt( In [1]: 4*2 + 3/4 + sqrt(2 In [1]: 4*2 + 3/4 + sqrt(2) 10.1642 In [1]: 4*2 + 3/4 + sqrt(2) Out[1]: Out[1]: √2 + 35/4 ≈ 10.1642 In [2]: In [2]: _ In [2]: _/ In [2]: _/2 5.08211 In [2]: _/2 Out[2]: Out[2]: √2 35 ── + ── ≈ 5.082112 8 In [3]: In [3]: 3 3 In [3]: 3M 3⋅M In [3]: 3MB 3.14573e+06 In [3]: 3MB In [3]: 3MB - In [3]: 3MB - In [3]: 3MB - 2 In [3]: 3MB - 20 3.14571e+06 In [3]: 3MB - 200 3.14553e+06 In [3]: 3MB - 200K 3.14573e+06 - 200⋅K In [3]: 3MB - 200KB 2.94093e+06 In [3]: 3MB - 200KB Out[3]: Out[3]: 2940928 0x002ce000 0000 0000 0010 1100 1110 0000 0000 0000 In [4]: In [4]: 4*2 + 3/4 + sqrt(2) 4 In [4]: 45 45 In [4]: 45E In [4]: 45EU In [4]: 45EUR 50.0535⋅USD In [4]: 45EUR Out[4]: Out[4]: 50.0535⋅USD In [5]: In [5]: d d In [5]: di In [5]: dif In [5]: diff <function sympy.core.function.diff(f, *symbols, **kwargs)> In [5]: diff( In [5]: diff(s In [5]: diff(si In [5]: diff(sin In [5]: diff(sin( In [5]: diff(sin(x In [5]: diff(sin(x* In [5]: diff(sin(x** In [5]: diff(sin(x**y In [5]: diff(sin(x**y) In [5]: diff(sin(x**y), In [5]: diff(sin(x**y), In [5]: diff(sin(x**y), y In [5]: diff(sin(x**y), y) x**y*log(x)*cos(x**y) In [5]: diff(sin(x**y), y) Out[5]: Out[5]: y ⎛ y⎞x ⋅log(x)⋅cos⎝x ⎠In [6]: In [6]: ( In [6]: (( In [6]: ((1 In [6]: ((1, In [6]: ((1,0 In [6]: ((1,0) In [6]: ((1,0), In [6]: ((1,0),( In [6]: ((1,0),(a In [6]: ((1,0),(a, In [6]: ((1,0),(a,b In [6]: ((1,0),(a,b) In [6]: ((1,0),(a,b)) ((1, 0), (a, b)) In [6]: ((1,0),(a,b))^ In [6]: ((1,0),(a,b))^- In [6]: ((1,0),(a,b))^-1 ((1, 0), (-a/b, 1/b)) In [6]: ((1,0),(a,b))^-1 Out[6]: Out[6]: ⎡ 1 0⎤⎢ ⎥ ⎢-a 1⎥⎢─── ─⎥⎣ b b⎦In [7]: In [7]: _/2 ((1, 0), (-a/b, 1/b))In [7]: _^ In [7]: _^2 ((1, 0), (-a/b - a/b**2, b**(-2))) In [7]: _^2 Out[7]: Out[7]: ⎡ 1 0 ⎤ ⎡ 1 0 ⎤⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥⎢ a a 1 ⎥ ⎢a⋅(-b - 1) 1 ⎥⎢- ─ - ── ──⎥ = ⎢────────── ──⎥⎢ b 2 2⎥ ⎢ 2 2⎥⎣ b b ⎦ ⎣ b b ⎦In [8]: In [8]: x xIn [8]: x^ In [8]: x^2 x**2In [8]: x^2+ In [8]: x^2+3 x**2 + 3.0 In [8]: x^2+3x x**2 + 3.0*x In [8]: x^2+3x- In [8]: x^2+3x-1 x**2 + 3.0*x - 1.0 In [8]: x^2+3x-1= In [8]: x^2+3x-1=0 In [8]: x^2+3x-1=0 Out[8]: Out[8]: ⎡ 3 √13 √13 3⎤ ⎢- ─ + ───, - ─── - ─⎥ ≈ [0.302776, -3.30278]⎣ 2 2 2 2⎦ In [9]: In [9]: ? In [9]: ?t tIn [9]: ?ta In [9]: ?tan tanIn [9]: ?tan( In [9]: ?tan(x In [9]: ?tan(x) tan(x) In [9]: ?tan(x) Out[9]: Out[9]: tan(x) 2 tan (x) + 1 = diff(_)-log(cos(x)) = integrate(_)π = periodicity(_, x) 3 5 x 2⋅x ⎛ 6⎞x + ── + ──── + O⎝x ⎠ 3 15 = series(_)[0] = solve(_)In [10]: In [10]:
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/demo/demo_scenario.txt b/docs/demo/demo_scenario.txt
index 0b6045f..f84a9ec 100644
--- a/docs/demo/demo_scenario.txt
+++ b/docs/demo/demo_scenario.txt
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ set enter_wait = 2
wait .5
$>> calcpy
-wait 5.5
+wait 6
$> 4*2 + 3/4 + sqrt(2)
@@ -16,11 +16,21 @@ $> 45EUR
$> diff(sin(x**y), y)
-$> ((1,0),(a,b))^-1
+$> ((1,2),(2,4))*((5,6),(7,8))
-$> _^2
+$> ((1,0),(a,b))^-1
$> x^2+3x-1=0
-$> ?tan(x)
+$> tan(x)?
+wait 6
+$> ((1,2),(2,3))?
wait 6
+$> $\frac{1}{x}$ * $\sin{x}$
+$> diff(_)
+$> latex(_)
+wait 5
diff --git a/docs/examples.md b/docs/examples.md
deleted file mode 100644
index 842d434..0000000
--- a/docs/examples.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,118 +0,0 @@
-## Algebra
-In [1]: ((1,2),(2,4))*((5,6),(7,8))
-⎡19 22⎤
-⎢ ⎥
-⎣38 44⎦
-In [1]: ((a,b),(c,d))**-1
-⎡ d -b ⎤
-⎢───────── ─────────⎥
-⎢a*d - b*c a*d - b*c⎥
-⎢ ⎥
-⎢ -c a ⎥
-⎢───────── ─────────⎥
-⎣a*d - b*c a*d - b*c⎦
-In [1]: ((1,2),(2,4))*((x,y),).T
-⎡ x + 2*y ⎤
-⎢ ⎥
-⎣2*x + 4*y⎦
-Detailed information about matrix:
-In [1]: ?((1,2),(2,3))
-## Calculus
-In [1]: diff(sin(x))
-Out[1]: cos(x)
-Detailed information about function:
-In [1]: ?e**(x**2)
-This is equivalent to `solve(Eq(8x**2+2x-10,0))`
-In [1]: 8x**2+2x-10 = 0
-Out[1]: [-5/4, 1] ≈ [-1.25, 1]
-## Plotting
-In [1]: plot(sin(x))
-save the last figure with
-In [1]: plt.savefig('fig.png')
-## Programmer
-In [1]: (34MB - 7000KB)/2MB
-──── ≈ 13.582
-In [1]: (0xab00 >> 8) & 0xff
-Out[1]: 171 0xab 1010 1011
-## Currency
-In [1]: 400EUR
-Out[1]: 428.88⋅USD
-In [2]: 100USD
-Out[2]: [93.2662⋅EUR 79.1597⋅GBP 669.94⋅CNY 12688.9⋅JPY]
-base_currency and common_currencies are set automatically.
-Setting different base currency and the common currencies:
-In [1]: calcpy.base_currency = 'EUR'
-In [2]: calcpy.common_currencies = ["USD", "ILS"]
-## Latex
-In [1]: $\frac{1}{x}$ * $\sin{x}$
- x
-In [2]: diff(_)
-cos(x) sin(x) x⋅cos(x) - sin(x)
-────── - ────── ─────────────────
- x 2 = 2
- x x
-In [3]: latex(_)
-Out[3]: \frac{\cos{\left(x \right)}}{x} - \frac{\sin{\left(x \right)}}{x^{2}}
-## Misc
-In [1]: sin(60deg)
-2 ≈ 0.866025