neostd is a flexible toolkit providing a collection of useful data structures, algorithms, and utilities implemented in Go. This project aims to create a comprehensive set of tools that can be easily integrated into various Go applications.
To use neostd in your Go project, you can install it using go get
go get
neostd currently includes the following components:
- Vector: A dynamic array implementation
- LinkedList: A doubly linked list
- HashMap: A hash table implementation
- BinaryHeap: A priority queue implemented as a binary heap
- VecDeque: A double-ended queue implemented with a growable ring buffer
- Cache: A generic caching system with support for various eviction policies:
- LRU (Least Recently Used)
- LFU (Least Frequently Used)
- LFRU (Least Frequently/Recently Used)
- BloomFilter: Space-efficient probabilistic data structure for set membership testing
- CuckooFilter: Space-efficient probabilistic data structure with support for deletions
- XorFilter: Another space-efficient probabilistic data structure for set membership testing
- MerkleTree: A tree in which every leaf node is labelled with the hash of a data block, and every non-leaf node is labelled with the cryptographic hash of the labels of its child nodes
- SipHasher: Implementation of the SipHash algorithm
- TigerHasher: Implementation of the Tiger hash algorithm
- Comparators: Generic comparison functions for ordered types
To use neostd in your Go project, you can import it using import
import (
Here are some examples of how to use neostd components:
import ""
// Create a new vector
vec := vector.VecWithCapacity(10, collections.IntComparator)
// Add elements
// Access elements
firstElement, := vec.Get(0)
fmt.Println(firstElement) // Output: 1
// Remove last element
lastElement, := vec.Pop()
fmt.Println(lastElement) // Output: 3
import ""
// Create a new HashMap
hm := maps.NewHashMap(string, int)
// Add key-value pairs
hm.Put("one", 1)
hm.Put("two", 2)
// Get a value
value, exists := hm.Get("one")
if exists {
fmt.Println(value) // Output: 1
// Remove a key-value pair
removedValue, removed := hm.Remove("two")
if removed {
fmt.Println(removedValue) // Output: 2
import ""
// Create a new Bloom filter
bf, := filter.NewBloomFilter(1000, 0.01)
// Add elements
// Check for membership
if bf.Contains([]byte("example")) {
fmt.Println("Element might be in the set")
import ""
// Create a new Cuckoo filter
cf, := filter.NewCuckooFilter(1000, 0.01)
// Add elements
// Check for membership
if cf.Contains([]byte("example")) {
fmt.Println("Element might be in the set")
import ""
// Create a new Xor filter
xf, := filter.NewXorFilter(1000, 0.01)
// Add elements
// Check for membership
if xf.Contains([]byte("example")) {
fmt.Println("Element might be in the set")
import (
// Create a new Cache with LRU policy
lruCache := cache.NewCache(1000, cache.NewLRUOrderPolicy(1000), collections.StringComparator)
// Add key-value pairs
lruCache.Set("key1", "value1")
lruCache.Set("key2", "value2")
// Get a value
value, exists := lruCache.Get("key1")
if exists {
fmt.Println(value) // Output: value1
// Remove a key-value pair
// Create a new Cache with LFU policy
lfuCache := cache.NewCache(1000, cache.NewLFUOrderPolicy(1000), collections.StringComparator)
// Create a new Cache with LFRU policy
lfruCache := cache.NewCache(1000, cache.NewLFRUOrderPolicy(1000), collections.StringComparator)
// Clear the cache
// Get the size of the cache
size := lruCache.Size()
fmt.Println(size) // Output: 0
import ""
// Create a new SipHasher
hasher, err := hash.NewSipHasher(128)
if err != nil {
// Hash a string
hash := hasher.Hash([]byte("example"))
fmt.Println(hash) // Output: [128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 128]
import ""
// Create a new TigerHasher
hasher := hash.NewTigerHasher()
// Hash a string
hash := hasher.Sum(nil)
import ""
// Create a new Merkle Tree
data := [][]byte{
mt, err := tree.NewMerkleTree(data)
if err != nil {
// Get the root hash
rootHash := mt.RootHash()
fmt.Printf("Root hash: %x\n", rootHash)
// Verify data
if mt.Verify([]byte("data2")) {
fmt.Println("Data verified successfully")
For more detailed usage examples, please refer to the documentation of each package.
Contributions to neostd are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
Note: This project is a work in progress. New features and improvements will be added over time. Please check back regularly for updates.