AI/DX Bootstrap Ansible Playbook Requirements kubectl helm Python package openshift pyyaml kubernetes Install $ ansible-playbook -i inventory/sample/inventory.ini install.yml Uninstall $ ansible-playbook -i inventory/sample/inventory.ini remove.yml Roles ne-storageclass Regist chart repo to helm Create a namespace for rook-ceph operator Deploy the ne-rook-ceph chart via helm ne-preinstall Regist namespace Create RBAC Regist chart repo to helm Install charts via helm pxc-operator pmm-server pxc-database nexus ne-init ne-depend pinpoint ccs cui cgw openldap ranger-admin ranger-usersync a3s ne-install Regist NexR Enterprise license Install managed services and ne services on REST API Elasticsearch Hive-metastore Spark-historyserver Spark-thriftserver Conductor Selenium Zookeeper Kafka NE Post EDS CMS DES DSS DVS Logstash