BedpeGeneAnnotation (2024_08-110-g317f43b9)
Annotates a BEDPE file with gene information from the NGSD.
Mandatory parameters:
-in <file> Input BEDPE file containing the SVs.
-out <file> Output BEDPE file containing the annotated SVs.
Optional parameters:
-add_simple_gene_names Adds an additional column containing only the list of gene names.
Default value: 'false'
-test Uses the test database instead of on the production database.
Default value: 'false'
Special parameters:
--help Shows this help and exits.
--version Prints version and exits.
--changelog Prints changeloge and exits.
--tdx Writes a Tool Definition Xml file. The file name is the application name with the suffix '.tdx'.
--settings [file] Settings override file (no other settings files are used).
BedpeGeneAnnotation 2024_08-110-g317f43b9
2023-05-10 Added column with gene names at breakpoints.
2020-01-27 Bugfix: 0-based BEDPE positions are now converted into 1-based BED positions.
2020-01-21 Added ability to reannotate BEDPE files by overwriting old annotation.
2020-01-20 Updated overlap method, refactored code.
2020-01-14 Added handling of duplicates.
2020-01-08 Initial version of this tool.