VariantQC (2024_08-110-g317f43b9)
Calculates QC metrics on variant lists.
Mandatory parameters:
-in <file> Input variant list in VCF format.
Optional parameters:
-ignore_filter Ignore filter entries, i.e. consider variants that did not pass filters.
Default value: 'false'
-out <file> Output qcML file. If unset, writes to STDOUT.
Default value: ''
-txt Writes TXT format instead of qcML.
Default value: 'false'
-long_read Adds LongRead specific QC values (e.g. phasing information)
Default value: 'false'
-phasing_bed <file> Output BED file containing phasing blocks with id. (requires parameter '-longread')
Default value: ''
Special parameters:
--help Shows this help and exits.
--version Prints version and exits.
--changelog Prints changeloge and exits.
--tdx Writes a Tool Definition Xml file. The file name is the application name with the suffix '.tdx'.
--settings [file] Settings override file (no other settings files are used).
VariantQC 2024_08-110-g317f43b9
2023-09-21 Added parameter 'longread' to add longread specific QC values.
2020-08-07 VCF files only as input format for variant list.
2018-09-12 Now supports VEP CSQ annotations (no longer support SnpEff ANN annotations).
2017-01-05 Added 'ignore_filter' flag.