Here we are going to create publicly accessible endpoints (no authentication) .
If you're working on a managed GCP project, it is common that there would be Domain Restricted Sharing Org Policies that will not allow the creation of a public facing endpoint.
So we can allow all the domains and re-enable the same policy so that we don’t change the existing policy.
Please run the below command before proceeding ahead. You need to have Organization Policy Admin rights to run the below commands.
cd Open_Data_QnA/backend-apis
gcloud resource-manager org-policies set-policy --project=$PROJECT_ID policy.yaml #This command will create policy that overrides to allow all domain
Create the service account and add roles to run the solution backend for the APIs
gcloud iam service-accounts create opendataqna --project=$PROJECT_ID
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:opendataqna@$ --role='roles/cloudsql.client' --project=$PROJECT_ID --quiet
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:opendataqna@$ --role='roles/bigquery.admin' --project=$PROJECT_ID --quiet
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:opendataqna@$ --role='roles/aiplatform.user' --project=$PROJECT_ID --quiet
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:opendataqna@$ --role='roles/datastore.owner' --project=$PROJECT_ID --quiet
- Programming language: Python
- Framework: Flask
Before you start : Ensure all variables in your config.ini file are correct, especially those for your Postgres instance and BigQuery dataset. If you need to change the Postgres instance or BigQuery dataset values, update the config.ini file before proceeding.
The endpoints deployed here are completely customized for the UI built in this demo solution. Feel free to customize the endpoint if needed for different UI/frontend. The gcloud run deploy command create a cloud build that uses the Dockerfile in the OpenDataQnA folder
Deploy endpoints to Cloud Run
export PROJECT_ID=<Enter your Project ID>
export SERVICE_NAME=opendataqna #change the name if needed
export DEPLOY_REGION=us-central1 #change the cloud run deployment region if needed
Enable the cloud build API to deploy the endpoints
gcloud services enable --project $PROJECT_ID
Get default service account for compute engine and cloud build to deploy the cloud run and add IAM Roles for deployment
export PROJECT_NUMBER=$(gcloud projects describe $PROJECT_ID --format="value(projectNumber)")
export DEFAULT_CE_SA=$(gcloud iam service-accounts list --project=$PROJECT_ID --format="value(EMAIL)" --filter="EMAIL ~ [email protected]")
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:$DEFAULT_CE_SA --role='roles/storage.admin' --project=$PROJECT_ID --quiet
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:$DEFAULT_CE_SA --role='roles/artifactregistry.admin' --project=$PROJECT_ID --quiet
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:$DEFAULT_CE_SA --role='roles/firebase.admin' --project=$PROJECT_ID --quiet
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:$DEFAULT_CE_SA --role='roles/cloudbuild.builds.builder' --project=$PROJECT_ID --quiet
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:$DEFAULT_CE_SA --role='roles/logging.logWriter' --project=$PROJECT_ID --quiet
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:$DEFAULT_CB_SA --role='roles/firebase.admin' --project=$PROJECT_ID --quiet
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:$DEFAULT_CB_SA --role='roles/serviceusage.apiKeysAdmin' --project=$PROJECT_ID --quiet
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:$DEFAULT_CB_SA --role='roles/cloudbuild.builds.builder' --project=$PROJECT_ID --quiet
gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member=serviceAccount:$DEFAULT_CB_SA --role='roles/artifactregistry.admin' --project=$PROJECT_ID --quiet
cd Open_Data_QnA
gcloud beta run deploy $SERVICE_NAME --region $DEPLOY_REGION --source . --service-account=opendataqna@$ --service-min-instances=1 --allow-unauthenticated --project=$PROJECT_ID
#if you are deploying cloud run application for the first time in the project you will be prompted for a couple of settings. Go ahead and type Yes.
Once the deployment is done successfully you should be able to see the Service URL (endpoint point) link as shown below. Please keep this handy to add this in the frontend or you can get this uri from the cloud run page in the GCP Console. e.g.
Test if the endpoints are working with below command. This should return the dataset your created in the source env setup notebook.
curl <URI of the end point>/available_databases
Delete the Org Policy on the Project that's created above. Do not run this if you haven’t created the org policy above
gcloud resource-manager org-policies delete iam.allowedPolicyMemberDomains --project=$PROJECT_ID
API Details
All the payloads are in JSON format
List Databases : Get the available databases in the vector store that solution can run against
URI: {Service URL}/available_databases Complete URL Sample :
Method: GET
Request Payload : NONE
Request response:
{ "Error": "", "KnownDB": "[{\"table_schema\":\"imdb-postgres\"},{\"table_schema\":\"retail-postgres\"}]", "ResponseCode": 200 }
Known SQL : Get suggestive questions (previously asked/examples added) for selected database
URI: /get_known_sql Complete URL Sample :
Method: POST
Request Payload :
{ "user_grouping":"retail" }
Request response:
{ "Error": "", "KnownSQL": "[{\"example_user_question\":\"Which city had maximum number of sales and what was the count?\",\"example_generated_sql\":\"select st.city_id, count(st.city_id) as city_sales_count from retail.sales as s join retail.stores as st on s.id_store = st.id_store group by st.city_id order by city_sales_count desc limit 1;\"}]", "ResponseCode": 200 }
SQL Generation : Generate the SQL for the input question asked against a database
URI: /generate_sql
Method: POST
Complete URL Sample :
Request payload:
{ "session_id":"", "user_id":"[email protected]", "user_question":"Which city had maximum number of sales?", "user_grouping":"retail" }
Request response:
{ "Error": "", "GeneratedSQL": " select st.city_id from retail.sales as s join retail.stores as st on s.id_store = st.id_store group by st.city_id order by count(*) desc limit 1;", "ResponseCode": 200, "SessionID":"1iuu2u-k1ij2-kkkhhj12131" }
Execute SQL : Run the SQL statement against provided database source
URI:/run_query Complete URL Sample :
Method: POST
Request payload:
{ "user_grouping": "retail", "generated_sql":"select st.city_id from retail.sales as s join retail.stores as st on s.id_store = st.id_store group by st.city_id order by count(*) desc limit 1;", "session_id":"1iuu2u-k1ij2-kkkhhj12131" }
Request response:
{ "SessionID":"1iuu2u-k1ij2-kkkhhj12131", "Error": "", "KnownDB": "[{\"city_id\":\"C014\"}]", "ResponseCode": 200 }
Embedd SQL : To embed known good SQLs to your example embeddings
URI:/embed_sql Complete URL Sample :
Request Payload:
{ "session_id":"1iuu2u-k1ij2-kkkhhj12131", "user_question":"Which city had maximum number of sales?", "generated_sql":"select st.city_id from retail.sales as s join retail.stores as st on s.id_store = st.id_store group by st.city_id order by count(*) desc limit 1;", "user_grouping":"retail" }
Request response:
{ "ResponseCode" : 201, "Message" : "Example SQL has been accepted for embedding", "Error":"", "SessionID":"1iuu2u-k1ij2-kkkhhj12131" }
Generate Visualization Code : To generated javascript Google Charts code based on the SQL Results and display them on the UI
As per design we have two visualizations suggested showing up when the user clicks the visualize button. Hence two divs are send as part of the response “chart_div”, “chart_div_1” to bind them to that element in the UI
If you are only looking to setup enpoint you can stop here. In case you require the demo app (frontend UI) built in the solution, proceed to the next step.
URI:/generate_viz Complete URL Sample :
Request Payload:
{ "session_id":"1iuu2u-k1ij2-kkkhhj12131" , "user_question": "What are top 5 product skus that are ordered?", "sql_generated": "SELECT productSKU as ProductSKUCode, sum(total_ordered) as TotalOrderedItems FROM `inbq1-joonix.demo.sales_sku` group by productSKU order by sum(total_ordered) desc limit 5", "sql_results": [ { "ProductSKUCode": "GGOEGOAQ012899", "TotalOrderedItems": 456 }, { "ProductSKUCode": "GGOEGDHC074099", "TotalOrderedItems": 334 }, { "ProductSKUCode": "GGOEGOCB017499", "TotalOrderedItems": 319 }, { "ProductSKUCode": "GGOEGOCC077999", "TotalOrderedItems": 290 }, { "ProductSKUCode": "GGOEGFYQ016599", "TotalOrderedItems": 253 } ] }
Request response:
{ "SessionID":"1iuu2u-k1ij2-kkkhhj12131", "Error": "", "GeneratedChartjs": { "chart_div": "google.charts.load('current', {\n packages: ['corechart']\n});\ngoogle.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);\n\nfunction drawChart() {\n var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([\n ['Product SKU', 'Total Ordered Items'],\n ['GGOEGOAQ012899', 456],\n ['GGOEGDHC074099', 334],\n ['GGOEGOCB017499', 319],\n ['GGOEGOCC077999', 290],\n ['GGOEGFYQ016599', 253],\n ]);\n\n var options = {\n title: 'Top 5 Product SKUs Ordered',\n width: 600,\n height: 300,\n hAxis: {\n textStyle: {\n fontSize: 12\n }\n },\n vAxis: {\n textStyle: {\n fontSize: 12\n }\n },\n legend: {\n textStyle: {\n fontSize: 12\n }\n },\n bar: {\n groupWidth: '50%'\n }\n };\n\n var chart = new google.visualization.BarChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));\n\n chart.draw(data, options);\n}\n", "chart_div_1": "google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['corechart']});\ngoogle.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawChart);\nfunction drawChart() {\n var data = google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([\n ['ProductSKUCode', 'TotalOrderedItems'],\n ['GGOEGOAQ012899', 456],\n ['GGOEGDHC074099', 334],\n ['GGOEGOCB017499', 319],\n ['GGOEGOCC077999', 290],\n ['GGOEGFYQ016599', 253]\n ]);\n\n var options = {\n title: 'Top 5 Product SKUs that are Ordered',\n width: 600,\n height: 300,\n hAxis: {\n textStyle: {\n fontSize: 5\n }\n },\n vAxis: {\n textStyle: {\n fontSize: 5\n }\n },\n legend: {\n textStyle: {\n fontSize: 10\n }\n },\n bar: {\n groupWidth: \"60%\"\n }\n };\n\n var chart = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart_div_1'));\n\n chart.draw(data, options);\n}\n" }, "ResponseCode": 200 }
Get Results : To directly get the sql results in JSON format
URI:/get_results Complete URL Sample :
Request Payload:
{ "user_question":"Which city had maximum number of sales?", "user_database":"retail" }
Request response:
{ "Error": "", "GeneratedResults": "[{\"city_id\":\"C014\"}]", "ResponseCode": 200 }