This README will walk you through setting up a Tezos based private blockchain where you will spin up one bootstrap node as well as additional peer nodes if you'd like. Using minikube
, these nodes will be running in a peer-to-peer network via a Zerotier VPN, inside of a Kubernetes cluster.
This section varies depending on OS.
Make sure homebrew is installed:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
Install prerequisites:
brew install python3 kubectl minikube helm
pacman -Syu && pacman -S python3 minikube kubectl kubectx helm
Zerotier is a VPN service that the Tezos nodes in your cluster will use to communicate with each other.
Create a ZeroTier network:
- Go to
- Login with google credentials or create a new account
- Create a new API access token by clicking on the "Generate New Token" button. Save the generated access token. e.g. "yEflQt726fjXuSUyQ73WqXvAFoijXkLt"
- Go to
- Create a new network by clicking on the "Create a Network" button. Save the 16 character generated network id. e.g. "1c33c1ced02a5eee"
Set Zerotier environment variables in order to access these values with later commands:
minikube start
If you don't have docker installed, or you do but don't want to use your local install, configure your shell environment to use minikube’s Docker daemon:
eval $(minikube docker-env)
mkchain is a python script that generates Helm values which Helm then uses to create your Tezos chain on k8s.
Follow just the Install mkchain step in mkchain/
under the Quickstart. See there for more info on how you can customize your chain.
Set as an environment variable the name you would like to give to your chain:
NOTE: k8s will throw an error when deploying if your chain name format does not match certain requirements. From k8s: DNS-1123 subdomain must consist of lower case alphanumeric characters, '-' or '.', and must start and end with an alphanumeric character (e.g. '', regex used for validation is '[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?(\.[a-z0-9]([-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9])?)*')
Set unbuffered IO for python:
Run the following commands to create the Helm values, get the Helm chart repo, and install the Helm chart to start your chain.
mkchain $CHAIN_NAME --zerotier-network $ZT_NET --zerotier-token $ZT_TOKEN
helm repo add tqtezos
helm install $CHAIN_NAME tqtezos/tezos-chain \
--values ./${CHAIN_NAME}_values.yaml \
--namespace tqtezos --create-namespace
Your kubernetes cluster will now be running a series of jobs to perform the following tasks:
- get a zerotier ip
- generate a node identity
- generate a genesis block for your chain
- activate the protocol
- bake the first block
- start the bootstrap-node node and a baker to validate the chain
You can find your node in the tqtezos namespace using kubectl.
kubectl -n tqtezos get pods
You can view logs for your node using the following command:
kubectl -n tqtezos logs -l appType=tezos -c tezos-node -f
Congratulations! You now have an operational Tezos based permissioned chain running one node.
You can configure a self-contained testnet within your cluster with
a number of nodes of your choice by passing --number-of-nodes N
to mkchain
. Pass this along with your previously used flags (--zerotier-network
and --zerotier-token
). You can use this to scale up and down.
Or if you previously spun up the chain using mkchain
, you may scale up/down your setup to an arbitrary number of nodes by adding or removing nodes in the nodes
list in the values yaml file:
- bake_for: baker
- {} # second non-baking node
- {} # third non-baking node
To upgrade your Helm release run:
helm upgrade $CHAIN_NAME tqtezos/tezos-chain \
--values ./${CHAIN_NAME}_values.yaml \
--namespace tqtezos
The nodes will start up and establish peer-to-peer connections in a full mesh topology.
List all of your running nodes: kubectl -n tqtezos get pods -l appType=tezos
External nodes to your local cluster can be added to your network by sharing a yaml file
generated by the mkchain
The file is located at: <CURRENT WORKING DIRECTORY>/${CHAIN_NAME}_invite_values.yaml
Send this file to the recipients you want to invite.
The member needs to:
Then run:
helm repo add tqtezos
helm install $CHAIN_NAME tqtezos/tezos-chain \
--values <LOCATION OF ${CHAIN_NAME}_invite_values.yaml> \
--namespace tqtezos --create-namespace
At this point additional nodes will be added in a full mesh topology.
Congratulations! You now have a multi-node Tezos based permissioned chain.
On each computer, run this command to check that the nodes have matching heads by comparing their hashes (it may take a minute for the nodes to sync up):
kubectl get pod -n tqtezos -l appType=tezos -o name |
while read line;
do kubectl -n tqtezos exec $line -c tezos-node -- /usr/local/bin/tezos-client rpc get /chains/main/blocks/head/hash;
You can optionally spin up an RPC authentication backend allowing trusted users to make RPC requests to your cluster.
Follow the steps here.
We recommend using a very nice GUI for your k8s Tezos chain infrastructure called Lens. This allows you to easily see all of the k8s resources that have been spun up as well as to view the logs for your Tezos nodes.