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132 lines (104 loc) · 5.13 KB

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132 lines (104 loc) · 5.13 KB


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Docker PHP FPM with lean alpine base. The download size is just about ~150MB.

It contains PHP8.0.7 with plenty of common and useful extensions.

You can also continue using adhocore/phpfpm:7.4 for PHP7.4.20.

If you are looking for a complete local development stack then check adhocore/lemp.

It comes prepackaged with composer - both v1 and v2. Use composer2 command for v2 and composer for v1.


To pull latest image:

docker pull adhocore/phpfpm:8.0

# or for alpine 3.13
docker pull adhocore/phpfpm:8.0-alp3.13

# or for php 7.4
docker pull adhocore/phpfpm:7.4

# or for php 7.4 on alpine 3.13
docker pull adhocore/phpfpm:7.4-alp3.13

To use in docker-compose

# ./docker-compose.yml
version: '3'

    image: adhocore/phpfpm:8.0
    container_name: phpfpm
      - ./path/to/your/app:/var/www/html
      # Here you can also volume php ini settings
      # - /path/to/zz-overrides:/usr/local/etc/php/conf.d/zz-overrides.ini
      - 9000:9000
      # ...



The following PHP extensions are installed in adhocore/phpfpm:8.0:

Total: 78
- apcu              - ast               - bcmath            - bz2
- calendar          - core              - ctype             - curl
- date              - dom               - ds                - exif
- fileinfo          - filter            - ftp               - gd
- gettext           - gmp               - grpc              - hash
- iconv             - igbinary          - imap              - intl
- json              - ldap              - libxml            - lzf
- mbstring          - memcached         - mongodb           - msgpack
- mysqli            - mysqlnd           - oauth             - openssl
- pcntl             - pcov              - pcre              - pdo
- pdo_mysql         - pdo_pgsql         - pdo_sqlite        - pgsql
- phar              - posix             - pspell            - psr
- rdkafka           - readline          - redis             - reflection
- session           - shmop             - simplexml         - soap
- sockets           - sodium            - spl               - sqlite3
- standard          - swoole            - sysvmsg           - sysvsem
- sysvshm           - tidy              - tokenizer         - uuid
- xdebug            - xhprof            - xml               - xmlreader
- xmlwriter         - xsl               - yaml              - zend opcache
- zip               - zlib


The following PHP extensions are installed in adhocore/phpfpm:7.4:

Total: 86
- apcu              - ast               - bcmath            - bz2
- calendar          - core              - ctype             - curl
- date              - dom               - ds                - ev
- event             - exif              - fileinfo          - filter
- ftp               - gd                - gettext           - gmp
- grpc              - hash              - hrtime            - iconv
- igbinary          - imagick           - imap              - intl
- json              - ldap              - libxml            - lua
- lzf               - mbstring          - memcached         - mongodb
- msgpack           - mysqli            - mysqlnd           - oauth
- openssl           - pcntl             - pcov              - pcre
- pdo               - pdo_mysql         - pdo_pgsql         - pdo_sqlite
- pgsql             - phalcon           - phar              - posix
- psr               - rdkafka           - readline          - redis
- reflection        - session           - simplexml         - soap
- sockets           - sodium            - spl               - sqlite3
- ssh2              - standard          - swoole            - swoole_async
- sysvmsg           - sysvsem           - sysvshm           - tideways_xhprof
- tidy              - tokenizer         - uuid              - xdebug
- xlswriter         - xml               - xmlreader         - xmlwriter
- yaf               - yaml              - zend opcache      - zephir parser
- zip               - zlib

Read more about pcov, psr

Production Usage

For production you may want to get rid of some extensions that are not really required. In such case, you can build a custom image on top adhocore/phpfpm:8.0 like so:

FROM adhocore/phpfpm:8.0

# Disable extensions you won't need. You can add as much as you want separated by space.
RUN docker-php-ext-disable xdebug pcov ldap

docker-php-ext-disable is shell script available in adhocore/phpfpm:8.0 only and not in official PHP docker images.