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[Bug]: plot with settings does not support bootstrap 4 and 5 #245

3 tasks done
Polkas opened this issue Jun 10, 2024 · 6 comments
3 tasks done

[Bug]: plot with settings does not support bootstrap 4 and 5 #245

Polkas opened this issue Jun 10, 2024 · 6 comments


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Polkas commented Jun 10, 2024

What happened?

The modal widget in plot with settings is too narrow for bootstrap 4 and 5.
We will be happy to solve that.
Please write if you are welcome for our collabo.



Reproducible Example for Safety app (line plot Module):

# We set bootsrap 5
options("teal.bs_theme" = bslib::bs_theme(version = "5"))

options(shiny.useragg = FALSE)

## Data reproducible code ----
data <- teal_data()
data <- within(data, {
    # optional libraries
    ADSL <- radsl(seed = 1)
    ADAE <- radae(ADSL, seed = 1)
    ADAETTE <- radaette(ADSL, seed = 1)
        mutate(is_event = case_when(
            grepl("TOT", .data$PARAMCD, fixed = TRUE) ~ TRUE,
            TRUE ~ CNSR == 0
        )) %>%
        mutate(n_events = case_when(
            grepl("TOT", .data$PARAMCD, fixed = TRUE) ~ as.integer(.data$AVAL),
            TRUE ~ as.integer(is_event)
        )) %>% = "Is an Event") %>% = "Number of Events")
        filter(ADAETTE, grepl("TOT", .data$PARAMCD, fixed = TRUE)) %>% select(-"AVAL")
        filter(ADAETTE, !(grepl("TOT", .data$PARAMCD, fixed = TRUE)))
        filter(PARAMCD == "AEREPTTE") %>%
        select(USUBJID, ARM, ARMCD, AVAL)
        full_join(ADAETTE_AE, ADAETTE_TTE, by = c("USUBJID", "ARM", "ARMCD"))
    ADEX <- radex(ADSL, seed = 1)
    ADEX_labels <-, fill = FALSE)
    # Below steps are done to simulate data with TDURD parameter as it is not in the ADEX data from `` package
    set.seed(1, kind = "Mersenne-Twister")
    ADEX <- ADEX %>%
        distinct(USUBJID, .keep_all = TRUE) %>%
            PARAMCD = "TDURD",
            PARAM = "Overall duration (days)",
            AVAL = sample(
                x = seq(1, 200),
                size = n(),
                replace = TRUE
            AVALU = "Days",
            PARCAT1 = "OVERALL"
        ) %>%
    ADEX <- ADEX %>%
        filter(PARCAT1 == "OVERALL" &
                   PARAMCD %in% c("TDOSE", "TNDOSE", "TDURD")) <- ADEX_labels
    ADLB <- radlb(ADSL, seed = 1)
    ADEG <- radeg(ADSL, seed = 1)
    # For real data, ADVS needs some preprocessing like group different ANRIND and BNRIND into abnormal
    ADVS <- radvs(ADSL, seed = 1) %>%
        mutate(ONTRTFL = ifelse(AVISIT %in% c("SCREENING", "BASELINE"), "", "Y")) %>% = "On Treatment Record Flag") %>%
        mutate(ANRIND = as.character(ANRIND), BNRIND = as.character(BNRIND)) %>%
            ANRIND = case_when(
                ANRIND == "HIGH HIGH" ~ "HIGH",
                ANRIND == "LOW LOW" ~ "LOW",
                TRUE ~ ANRIND
            BNRIND = case_when(
                BNRIND == "HIGH HIGH" ~ "HIGH",
                BNRIND == "LOW LOW" ~ "LOW",
                TRUE ~ BNRIND
    ADCM <- radcm(ADSL, seed = 1) %>% mutate(CMSEQ = as.integer(CMSEQ))
    # Add study-specific pre-processing: convert arm, param and visit variables to factors
    # Sample code:
    # ADSL$ACTARM <- factor(ADSL$ACTARM)
    # ADLB <- ADLB %>%
    #   tern::df_explicit_na(omit_columns = setdiff(names(ADLB), c("PARAM", "PARAMCD", "AVISIT") ))
    # ADEX <- ADEX %>%
    #   tern::df_explicit_na(omit_columns = setdiff(names(ADEX), c("PARAM", "PARAMCD", "PARCAT2") ))
    # define study-specific analysis subgroups and baskets from ADAE
    add_event_flags <- function(dat) {
        dat %>%
                TMPFL_SER = AESER == "Y",
                TMPFL_REL = AEREL == "Y",
                TMPFL_GR5 = AETOXGR == "5",
                TMP_SMQ01 = !,
                TMP_SMQ02 = !,
                TMP_CQ01 = !
            ) %>%
                TMPFL_SER = "Serious AE",
                TMPFL_REL = "Related AE",
                TMPFL_GR5 = "Grade 5 AE",
                TMP_SMQ01 = aesi_label(dat$SMQ01NAM, dat$SMQ01SC),
                TMP_SMQ02 = aesi_label(dat$SMQ02NAM, dat$SMQ02SC),
                TMP_CQ01 = aesi_label(dat$CQ01NAM)
    ADAE <- ADAE %>%

datanames <- c("ADSL", "ADAE", "ADAETTE", "ADEX", "ADLB", "ADEG", "ADVS", "ADCM")
datanames(data) <- datanames
join_keys(data) <- default_cdisc_join_keys[datanames]

## App configuration ----
ADSL <- data[["ADSL"]]
ADAE <- data[["ADAE"]]
ADAETTE <- data[["ADAETTE"]]
ADEX <- data[["ADEX"]]
ADLB <- data[["ADLB"]]
ADEG <- data[["ADEG"]]
ADVS <- data[["ADVS"]]
ADCM <- data[["ADCM"]]

arm_vars <- c("ACTARMCD", "ACTARM")

## Create variable type lists
date_vars_adsl <-
    names(ADSL)[vapply(ADSL, function(x) {
        inherits(x, c("Date", "POSIXct", "POSIXlt"))
    }, logical(1))]
demog_vars_adsl <-
    names(ADSL)[!(names(ADSL) %in% c("USUBJID", "STUDYID", date_vars_adsl))]

cs_arm_var <-
        choices = variable_choices(ADSL, subset = arm_vars),
        selected = "ACTARM"

ae_anl_vars <- names(ADAE)[startsWith(names(ADAE), "TMPFL_")]
# flag variables for AE baskets; set to NULL if not applicable to study
aesi_vars <-
    names(ADAE)[startsWith(names(ADAE), "TMP_SMQ") |
                    startsWith(names(ADAE), "TMP_CQ")]

## App header and footer ----
nest_logo <- ""
app_source <- ""
gh_issues_page <- ""

header <- tags$span(
    style = "display: flex; align-items: center; justify-content: space-between; margin: 10px 0 10px 0;",
    tags$span("My first teal app", style = "font-size: 30px;"),
        style = "display: flex; align-items: center;",
        tags$img(src = nest_logo, alt = "NEST logo", height = "45px", style = "margin-right:10px;"),
        tags$span(style = "font-size: 24px;", "NEST @ Roche")

footer <- tags$p(
    "This teal app is brought to you by the NEST Team at Roche/Genentech.
        For more information, please visit:",
    tags$a(href = app_source, target = "_blank", "Source Code"), ", ",
    tags$a(href = gh_issues_page, target = "_blank", "Report Issues")

## Setup App
app <- teal::init(
    data = data,
    title = build_app_title("Safety Analysis Teal Demo App", nest_logo),
    header = header,
    footer = footer,
    # Set initial filter state as safety-evaluable population
    filter = teal_slices(
        count_type = "all",
        teal_slice(dataname = "ADSL", varname = "SAFFL", selected = "Y"),
        teal_slice(dataname = "ADSL", varname = "SEX"),
        teal_slice(dataname = "ADSL", varname = "AGE"),
        teal_slice(dataname = "ADLB", varname = "AVAL"),
        # default filter
        teal_slice(dataname = "ADEX", varname = "AVAL"),
        # default filter
        teal_slice(dataname = "ADEG", varname = "AVAL")
    modules = modules(
            label = "App Info",
            header_text = c("Info about input data source" = "This app uses CDISC ADaM datasets randomly generated by `` R packages"),
            tables = list(`NEST packages used in this demo app` = data.frame(
                Packages = c(
        tm_data_table("Data Table"),
        tm_variable_browser("Variable Browser"),
            label = "Demographic Table",
            dataname = "ADSL",
            arm_var = cs_arm_var,
            summarize_vars = choices_selected(
                choices = variable_choices(ADSL, demog_vars_adsl),
                selected = c("SEX", "AGE", "RACE")
            label = "Adverse Events",
                label = "AE Summary",
                dataname = "ADAE",
                arm_var = cs_arm_var,
                flag_var_anl = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices("ADAE", ae_anl_vars),
                    selected = ae_anl_vars,
                    keep_order = TRUE
                flag_var_aesi = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices("ADAE", aesi_vars),
                    selected = aesi_vars,
                    keep_order = TRUE
                add_total = TRUE
                label = "AE by Term",
                dataname = "ADAE",
                arm_var = cs_arm_var,
                llt = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADAE, c("AETERM", "AEDECOD")),
                    selected = c("AEDECOD")
                hlt = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADAE, c("AEBODSYS", "AESOC")),
                    selected = "AEBODSYS"
                add_total = TRUE,
                event_type = "adverse event"
                label = "AE Table by Grade",
                dataname = "ADAE",
                arm_var = cs_arm_var,
                llt = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADAE, c("AEDECOD")),
                    selected = c("AEDECOD")
                hlt = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADAE, c("AEBODSYS", "AESOC")),
                    selected = "AEBODSYS"
                grade = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADAE, c("AETOXGR")),
                    selected = "AETOXGR"
                add_total = TRUE
                label = "AE Rates Adjusted for Patient-Years at Risk",
                dataname = "ADAETTE",
                arm_var = cs_arm_var,
                paramcd = choices_selected(
                    choices = value_choices(ADAETTE, "PARAMCD", "PARAM"),
                    selected = "AETTE1"
                events_var = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADAETTE, "n_events"),
                    selected = "n_events",
                    fixed = TRUE
                label = "Adverse Events by SMQ Table",
                dataname = "ADAE",
                arm_var = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADSL, subset = c(arm_vars, "SEX")),
                    selected = "ACTARM"
                add_total = FALSE,
                baskets = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADAE, subset = grep("^(SMQ|CQ).*NAM$", names(ADAE), value = TRUE)),
                    selected = grep("^(SMQ|CQ).*NAM$", names(ADAE), value = TRUE)
                scopes = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADAE, subset = grep("^SMQ.*SC$", names(ADAE), value = TRUE)),
                    selected = grep("^SMQ.*SC$", names(ADAE), value = TRUE),
                    fixed = TRUE
                llt = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADAE, subset = c("AEDECOD")),
                    selected = "AEDECOD"
            label = "Lab Tables",
                label = "Labs Summary",
                dataname = "ADLB",
                arm_var = cs_arm_var,
                by_vars = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADLB, c("PARAM", "AVISIT")),
                    selected = c("PARAM", "AVISIT"),
                    fixed = TRUE
                summarize_vars = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADLB, c("AVAL", "CHG")),
                    selected = c("AVAL")
                paramcd = choices_selected(
                    choices = value_choices(ADLB, "PARAMCD", "PARAM"),
                    selected = "ALT"
                label = "Grade Laboratory Abnormality Table",
                dataname = "ADLB",
                arm_var = cs_arm_var,
                paramcd = choices_selected(
                    choices = value_choices(ADLB, "PARAMCD", "PARAM"),
                    selected = "ALT"
                worst_flag_var = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADLB, subset = c(
                        "WGRLOVFL", "WGRLOFL", "WGRHIVFL", "WGRHIFL"
                    selected = c("WGRLOVFL")
                worst_flag_indicator = choices_selected(
                    value_choices(ADLB, "WGRLOVFL"),
                    selected = "Y",
                    fixed = TRUE
                anl_toxgrade_var = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADLB, subset = c("ATOXGR")),
                    selected = c("ATOXGR"),
                    fixed = TRUE
                base_toxgrade_var = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADLB, subset = c("BTOXGR")),
                    selected = c("BTOXGR"),
                    fixed = TRUE
                add_total = FALSE
                label = "Laboratory test results with highest grade post-baseline",
                dataname = "ADLB",
                arm_var = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADSL, subset = c("ARM", "ARMCD")),
                    selected = "ARM"
                paramcd = choices_selected(
                    choices = value_choices(ADLB, "PARAMCD", "PARAM"),
                    selected = c("ALT", "CRP", "IGA")
                add_total = FALSE
            label = "Exposure",
                label = "Exposure Summary",
                dataname = "ADEX",
                arm_var = cs_arm_var,
                by_vars = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADEX, c("PARCAT2", "PARAM")),
                    selected = c("PARCAT2", "PARAM"),
                    fixed = TRUE
                summarize_vars = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADEX, "AVAL"),
                    selected = c("AVAL"),
                    fixed = TRUE
                paramcd = choices_selected(
                    choices = value_choices(ADEX, "PARAMCD", "PARAM"),
                    selected = "TDOSE"
                denominator = choices_selected(
                    choices = c("n", "N", "omit"),
                    selected = "n"
                label = "Duration of Exposure Table",
                dataname = "ADEX",
                paramcd = choices_selected(
                    choices = value_choices(ADEX, "PARAMCD", "PARAM"),
                    selected = "TDURD",
                    fixed = TRUE
                col_by_var = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(ADEX, subset = c(arm_vars, "SEX")),
                    selected = "SEX"
                row_by_var = choices_selected(
                    choices = variable_choices(
                        subset = c("RACE", "REGION1", "STRATA1", "SEX")
                    selected = "RACE"
                parcat = choices_selected(
                    choices = value_choices(ADEX, "PARCAT2"),
                    selected = "Drug A"
                add_total = FALSE
            label = "Vital Signs Abnormality",
            dataname = "ADVS",
            arm_var = cs_arm_var,
            id_var = choices_selected(
                choices = variable_choices(ADSL, subset = "USUBJID"),
                selected = "USUBJID",
                fixed = TRUE
            by_vars = choices_selected(
                choices = variable_choices(ADVS, subset = c("PARAM", "AVISIT")),
                selected = c("PARAM"),
                keep_order = TRUE
            grade = choices_selected(
                choices = variable_choices(ADVS, subset = "ANRIND"),
                selected = "ANRIND",
                fixed = TRUE
            abnormal = list(low = "LOW", high = "HIGH")
            label = "Concomitant Medication",
            dataname = "ADCM",
            arm_var = cs_arm_var,
            seq_var = choices_selected("CMSEQ", selected = "CMSEQ", fixed = TRUE),
            hlt = choices_selected(
                choices = variable_choices(ADCM, c(
                    "ATC1", "ATC2", "ATC3", "ATC4"
                selected = "ATC2"
            llt = choices_selected(
                choices = variable_choices(ADCM, c("CMDECOD")),
                selected = "CMDECOD",
                fixed = TRUE
            add_total = TRUE,
            event_type = "treatment"
            label = "ECG Shift Table by Arm",
            dataname = "ADEG",
            arm_var = cs_arm_var,
            paramcd = choices_selected(value_choices(ADEG, "PARAMCD"),
                                       selected = "HR"
            visit_var = choices_selected(value_choices(ADEG, "AVISIT"),
                                         selected = "POST-BASELINE MINIMUM"
            aval_var = choices_selected(
                variable_choices(ADEG, subset = "ANRIND"),
                selected = "ANRIND",
                fixed = TRUE
            baseline_var = choices_selected(
                variable_choices(ADEG, subset = "BNRIND"),
                selected = "BNRIND",
                fixed = TRUE
            label = "Line Plot",
            dataname = "ADLB",
            strata = cs_arm_var,
            x = choices_selected(variable_choices(ADLB, "AVISIT"), "AVISIT", fixed = TRUE),
            y = choices_selected(variable_choices(ADLB, c(
                "AVAL", "BASE", "CHG", "PCHG"
            )), "AVAL"),
            y_unit = choices_selected(variable_choices(ADLB, "AVALU"), "AVALU", fixed = TRUE),
            paramcd = choices_selected(variable_choices(ADLB, "PARAMCD"), "PARAMCD", fixed = TRUE),
            param = choices_selected(value_choices(ADLB, "PARAMCD", "PARAM"), "ALT"),
            plot_height = c(1000L, 200L, 4000L)

shinyApp(app$ui, app$server)


R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31)

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices datasets  utils     methods   base     

other attached packages:
 [1] efficacy_0.1.0              DT_0.32                     shinyWidgets_0.8.1         
 [4] teal.widgets_0.4.2          ggforce_0.4.2               forcats_1.0.0              
 [7] tidyr_1.3.1                 sparkline_2.0               nestcolor_0.1.2            
[10] dplyr_1.1.4                 random.cdisc.data_0.3.15    teal.modules.clinical_0.9.0
[13] tern_0.9.3                  rtables_0.6.6               magrittr_2.0.3             
[16] formatters_0.5.5            teal.modules.general_0.3.0  teal.transform_0.5.0       
[19] teal_0.15.2                 teal.slice_0.5.0            teal.data_0.5.0            
[22] teal.code_0.5.0             shiny_1.8.0                 ggmosaic_0.3.3             
[25] ggplot2_3.5.0              

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
  [1] backports_1.4.1       Hmisc_5.1-2           lazyeval_0.2.2        splines_4.2.2        
  [5] crosstalk_1.2.1       teal.logger_0.1.3     usethis_2.2.3         TH.data_1.1-2        
  [9] tern.gee_0.1.3        digest_0.6.34         htmltools_0.5.7       fansi_1.0.6          
 [13] checkmate_2.3.1       memoise_2.0.1         cluster_2.1.4         remotes_2.4.2.1      
 [17] sandwich_3.1-0        timechange_0.3.0      colorspace_2.1-0      ggrepel_0.9.5        
 [21] haven_2.5.4           rbibutils_2.2.16      xfun_0.42             crayon_1.5.2         
 [25] jsonlite_1.8.8        survival_3.4-0        zoo_1.8-12            glue_1.7.0           
 [29] geepack_1.3.10        polyclip_1.10-6       gtable_0.3.4          emmeans_1.10.0       
 [33] pkgbuild_1.4.3        scales_1.3.0          mvtnorm_1.2-4         miniUI_0.1.1.1       
 [37] Rcpp_1.0.12           viridisLite_0.4.2     xtable_1.8-4          htmlTable_2.4.2      
 [41] foreign_0.8-83        Formula_1.2-5         profvis_0.3.8         htmlwidgets_1.6.4    
 [45] httr_1.4.7            ellipsis_0.3.2        urlchecker_1.0.1      pkgconfig_2.0.3      
 [49] farver_2.1.1          nnet_7.3-18           sass_0.4.8            utf8_1.2.4           
 [53] labeling_0.4.3        tidyselect_1.2.0      rlang_1.1.3           later_1.3.2          
 [57] munsell_0.5.0         tools_4.2.2           cachem_1.0.8          cli_3.6.2            
 [61] generics_0.1.3        devtools_2.4.5        broom_1.0.5           evaluate_0.23        
 [65] stringr_1.5.1         fastmap_1.1.1         yaml_2.3.8            knitr_1.45           
 [69] fs_1.6.3              shinycssloaders_1.0.0 purrr_1.0.2           teal.reporter_0.3.0  
 [73] nlme_3.1-160          mime_0.12             compiler_4.2.2        rstudioapi_0.15.0    
 [77] plotly_4.10.4         tibble_3.2.1          tweenr_2.0.3          bslib_0.6.1          
 [81] stringi_1.8.3         desc_1.4.3            logger_0.2.2          lattice_0.20-45      
 [85] Matrix_1.6-5          shinyjs_2.1.0         vctrs_0.6.5           pillar_1.9.0         
 [89] lifecycle_1.0.4       BiocManager_1.30.22   Rdpack_2.6            jquerylib_0.1.4      
 [93] estimability_1.4.1    cowplot_1.1.3         data.table_1.15.0     httpuv_1.6.14        
 [97] R6_2.5.1              promises_1.2.1        renv_1.0.4            gridExtra_2.3        
[101] sessioninfo_1.2.2     codetools_0.2-18      MASS_7.3-58.1         pkgload_1.3.4        
[105] fontawesome_0.5.2     rprojroot_2.0.4       withr_3.0.0           multcomp_1.4-25      
[109] hms_1.1.3             shinyvalidate_0.1.3   grid_4.2.2            rpart_4.1.19         
[113] rmarkdown_2.25        lubridate_1.9.3       base64enc_0.1-3

Relevant log output

No response

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@Polkas Polkas added the bug label Jun 10, 2024
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kumamiao commented Jun 24, 2024

Hi @Polkas , yes we would like to collaborate on this. Please kindly start a pull request and we'd be happy to review. Thank you!

Copy link

Is this issue active? I have a possible related problem where the plot overflows from the modal.
This is under bs5:

> packageVersion("teal.widgets")
[1] '0.4.2'

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vedhav commented Dec 11, 2024

There are quite a few issue when using BS5 and this is one of them. Luckily we plan to migrate completely to BS5 and also use bslib components over the default shiny UI components soon. Right now we have the changes in the test@bslib@main branch if you want to have a sneak peek into how that will look like.

Current main branch with BS5

Screenshot 2024-12-11 173124

Same app which uses the test@bslib@main branch

Screenshot 2024-12-11 173035

Here is the code to reproduce the app from the screenshot.

##### Install and load the main branch to see the plot overflow issue with BS5 popup.
# library(teal)
# library(teal.modules.clinical)
# options("teal.bs_theme" = bslib::bs_theme(version = "5"))

##### Load the `test@bslib@main` branch for all these packages to see the new BS5 related changes
##### Note that there is no need to set the `teal.bs_theme` option as we will completely switch to BS5

simple_module <- function(transformators = list()) {
    label = "Simple iris plot",
    ui = function(id) {
      ns <- NS(id)
        id = ns("plot_with_settings")
    server = function(id, data) {
      moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
        plot_q <- reactive({
          data() |>
                data = iris,
                aes(x = Sepal.Length, y = Sepal.Width, color = Species)
              ) +
          id = "plot_with_settings",
          plot_r = reactive(get_code(plot_q())),
          height = c(400, 100, 1200),
          width = c(500, 250, 750)
    datanames = "iris",
    transformators = transformators

my_transformers <- list(
    label = "Dummy",
    ui = function(id) div("(does nothing)"),
    server = function(id, data) {
      moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) data)
    label = "Show head of iris?",
    ui = function(id) actionButton(NS(id, "button"), "Click to apply/remove"),
    server = function(id, data) {
      moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
          if (input$button %% 2 == 0) {
            data() # do nothing
          } else {
            within(data(), iris <- head(iris))

data <- teal_data()
data <- within(data, {
  iris <- iris
  mtcars <- mtcars
  ADSL <- tmc_ex_adsl
  ADTTE <- tmc_ex_adtte
join_keys(data) <- default_cdisc_join_keys[names(data)]

app <- init(
  data = data,
  modules = modules(
      label = "Kaplan-Meier Plot",
      dataname = "ADTTE",
      arm_var = choices_selected(
        variable_choices("ADSL", c("ARM", "ARMCD", "ACTARMCD")),
      paramcd = choices_selected(
        value_choices("ADTTE", "PARAMCD", "PARAM"),
      arm_ref_comp = list(
        ACTARMCD = list(
          ref = "ARM B",
          comp = c("ARM A", "ARM C")
        ARM = list(
          ref = "B: Placebo",
          comp = c("A: Drug X", "C: Combination")
      strata_var = choices_selected(
        variable_choices("ADSL", c("SEX", "BMRKR2")),
      facet_var = choices_selected(
        variable_choices("ADSL", c("SEX", "BMRKR2")),
    simple_module(transformators = my_transformers),
    example_module("Table view", transformators = my_transformers)

shinyApp(app$ui, app$server)

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Thanks @vedhav, I think this is good enough. The only question is when it is going to be released 😉

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donyunardi commented Dec 14, 2024

Hi @chlebowa,

Just to set expectations, the bslib release will likely align with our UI/UX update roadmap, which is planned for mid-year next year.

Right now, we're targeting an early release next year (as early as February or March at the latest) to deliver our other improvements.

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Mid-year is a bit far. Would you accept a dirty patch in the meantime?

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