index f7bfdc4526..5307fc00f4 100644
@@ -279,6 +279,44 @@ proposals is very challenging, we have lots of applicants that do great work and
needed to find a way to quantify their contributions. We use this rubric to do
+- https://github.com/blabla1337/skf-flask
+- https://github.com/OWASP/common-requirement-enumeration
+ graph TD
+ subgraph system_context[System Context for Ideation]
+ requirements_management[OWASP common-requirement-enumeration
[Software System]]
+ data_storage[oras.land
[Software System]]
+ source_control[Source Code Management Forgejo
[Software System]]
+ engineer[Software Engineer
+ manager[Project Manager
+ project_idea[Project Idea THREATS.md + CONTRIBUTING.md
+ ci_software[Continuous Integration
[Software System]]
+ cd_software[Continuous Deployment
[Software System]]
+ iaas[Infrastructure as a Service
[Software System]]
+ project_idea -->|Understand requirements| requirements_management
+ requirements_management --> manager
+ manager -->|Communicate priority of tasks| engineer
+ engineer --> source_control
+ source_control --> ci_software
+ data_storage -->|Pull dependencies from| ci_software
+ iaas -->|Provide compute to| ci_software
+ ci_software -->|Validated version| cd_software
+ cd_software -->|Store copy| data_storage
+ cd_software -->|Measure alignment to| project_idea
+ class manager,engineer,project_idea Person;
+ class innersource NewSystem;
+ class ci_software,cd_software,requirements_management,source_control,data_storage,iaas ExistingSystem;
+ end
+ class system_context background;
### Alignment Rubric
![Screenshot of grading rubric](https://dffml.github.io/dffml-pre-image-removal/master/_images/rubric-table.png)