Use this function to Receive CAN messages
def receive_can(device):
msgs, error_count = ics.get_messages(device)
print("Received {} messages with {} errors.".format(len(msgs), error_count))
for i, m in enumerate(msgs):
print('Message #{}\t'.format(i+1), end='')
print('\tArbID: {}\tData: {}'.format(hex(m.ArbIDOrHeader), [hex(x) for x in m.Data]))
Use this function to Transmit CAN messages
def transmit_can(device):
msg = ics.SpyMessage()
msg.ArbIDOrHeader = 0x01 # CAN Arbitration ID
msg.Data = (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8) # Data Bytes go here
msg.NetworkID = ics.NETID_HSCAN # First channel of CAN
# msg parameter here can also be a tuple of messages
ics.transmit_messages(device, msg)
You can read the full documentation for libicsneo at and Python documentation at