Releases: isotope/core
Releases · isotope/core
- Replace inserttags in backend order view to support 3th-party extensions (#1186)
- Cart was not available in postsale process (#1196)
- Allow to pass addresses to Isotope::calculatePrice for correct tax calculation (#1196)
- Orders were tracked twice in Google Analytics (#1184)
- Google Analytics eCommerce must have a product SKU (#1181)
- New product collections were reported as locked (#1190)
- Asset import could result in uppercase folder names (#1204)
- The backend setup welcome legend was not translatable
- Minimum product quantity was not applied when only one price tier was set (#1183)
- Multiple advanced prices could result in incorrect from price (related to #1183)
- FORM_DATA session was overwritten by checkout condition form (#1211)
- Product group view breadcrumb was not working, removed because it does not provide any useful functionality
- Database update trying to add attributes with no internal field name to database
- Toggle group in popup picker did not work in Contao 3.3 (#1148)
- Datepicker icons were missing in reports module in Contao 3.2 (#1161)
- Invalid date input caused exceptions (#1162)
- Creating attributes in DCA caused fatal error (#1166)
- Invalid input in related products field caused database exception (#1158)
- Allow payment modules to change postsale parameters "mod" and "id" (#1137)
- Improved URL input handling to generate 404 pages when using folder URLs (#1131)
- Order status was not always updated correctly in the backend (#1172)
- Product downloads were not counted so the limit was not applied (#1164)
- Total sales summary was always the last value in the column (#1163)
- Sales total chart was broken when reporting days within multiple months (#1163)
- Address book module did not display widget errors (#1176)
- Inherited fields can now be multi-edited
- Composer dependencies (#1124)
- Date added was not updated when copying a product in the back end (#1126)
- Another error when setting a redirect page for product search (#1068)
- Disable variant checkbox if no variant attributes are available in product type (#1114)
- Product variants did show up even if product was unpublished (#1120)
- URLs for Sparkasse and Worldpay payment methods were incorrectly generated (#1141 and #1142)
- CDATA statement in javascript caused issue in Sparkasse payment method (#1140)
- Front end javascript was not compatible with IE8 (#1155)
- Order of fields in product type was not applied to palette (#1135)
- Edit-multiple failed in Contao 3.3 (#1150)
- Copy fallback language was not working (#1151)
- From price was not shown for variants with price tiers (#1146)
- Incorrect tax free total in product collection template
- Tax free total for surcharge was always empty (#1149)
- Tax free total for surcharge was not available in collection template
- Tax free subtotal of order was shown as total in product collection template
- Collection template did not correctly display variant attributes in text mode (#1125)
- Payone cannot handle correctly URL encoded values (#1137)
- Request cache did not consider variant filtering (#1100)
- Wrong column count in collection template again (#1091)
- Assets import calling to classes in wrong namespace (#1113)
- TypeAgent not being compatible with Contao 3.3 changes
- Product translations not being compatible with Contao 3.3 changes (#1109)
- HAVING support was incompatible with Contao 3.3 (#1112)
- Product filter removed all parameters except page instead of the opposite (#1098)
- DatePicker was not compatible with changes introduced in Contao 3.3 (#1119)
- Related products module could get hidden in edge case (#1090)
- Fatal error when setting a redirect page for product search (#1068)
- Prevent Contao from trying to load an empty tinyMCE config (#1111)
- Variants were not shown if product group filter was applied (#1097)
- Attributes were always initialized with array default value (#1021)
- Payment and shipping method name was not shown in product collection (#1052)
- Reports did not show headline and panels (#1051)
- Single variant option was shown on ajax load (#1066)
- Price was zero if minimum quantity is more than one (#1058)
- Show tax class option in group price shipping method (#1064)
- Issue with weight calculation (#1074)
- Could not assign cumulative filters to product list module
- Images were not included in back end document generation (#1053)
- Attribute sorting was ignored in product type (#1083)
- Product filter did not redirect for search results (#1068)
- Dynamically generate header fields for downloads (#1088)
- "Save & New" created a new product instead of variant (#1080)
- Namespace issue in Saferpay payment module (#1089)
- Do not generate sitemap links for unpublished pages (#1092)
- Wrong column count in collection template (#1091)
- Remove page parameter on product filter action (#1098)
This is the first release candidate of Isotope eCommerce 2.0 for Contao 3.
Check out for more information.
This is the first beta of Isotope eCommerce 2.0 for Contao 3.
Check out for more information.