📖 Link Materials to Class Agenda:
- Slides (make a copy for your program - link the copy)
- Coding Exercise(s)
- Exit Ticket
👋 Welcome & Do Now (10) :
- Begin the session with a welcome message and a short activity to engage students.
- Have students complete the Do Now.
🗂️ Arrays (15) :
- Review the data types: strings, numbers, and booleans.
- Explain the need for data structures, such as arrays, to organize and store these data types.
- Introduce arrays, provide examples, and differentiate between storing multiple values in an array vs. using separate variables.
Discuss the syntax, index, methods, and practical examples of arrays in coding.
💻 Code Along (20) :
- Guided coding exercise. Students code along with the instructor.
- Guided coding exercise. Students code along with the instructor.
⏳ Break (10)
🎮 Objects (20) :
- Introduce objects and explain their significance in associating pairs of values.
- Provide examples of objects in code and break down the syntax, including properties (keys) and values.
- Discuss how to access values within objects using dot notation.
- Explain and demonstrate how arrays can be included within objects and how to access those arrays.
💻 Code Solo (30) :
- Have students work in small groups or independently.
- They should complete the tasks and are encouraged to try bonus tasks.
- Remind students that Googling and seeking solutions is a critical skill.
👋 Closing (15) :
- Direct students to the Exit Ticket in the Class Agenda.
- Ensure they submit before leaving.