A link to the deployed app can be found here
This app is built as a simple way to study Javascript. I built this as a way to study Javascript. During this process I became familiar with objects, arrays, looping, and methods.
If you want to try this out on your local machine feel free to clone the repository and check out my code as well as run it in your browser.
This app is fairly simple. When the webpage loads you land on a screen explaining it is a quiz, when you start the quiz, a timer begins, to answer a question, simply click the answer you believe it to be. You see if you got it right in red/green text after, when finished with the quiz you are presented with your score and an option to save it, if you want to save it type in your desired username and press save user, this saves it to localStorage on your computer, there is no database of scores so don't be embarrassed, only you can see your scores!
This app was built by me, Nicholas Burr, however I also recieved some general code suggestions and debugging help from the askBCS staff at EDX2U. Finally, Sangeetha Kaliaperumal was very helpful in a tutoring session helping me debug and come up with a solution for localStorage.
Refer to the Repo to see the licensing.