For non-hyperlinked documentation links, please refer to this file : doc/motr-design-doc-list.rst.
- this document
- Motr data organization
- Motr architecture 2-pager
- Summary of M0 architecture
- M0 Architecture Documentation
- Glossary
Client API shows how to build client applications using the Motr API. m0cp, m0cat, and m0kv are example applications using this API. In our CORTX parent repo, the Cluster Setup guide has useful information about using these tools.
Go bindings allow to write Motr client applications in Go language quickly and efficiently.
HSM Tool reference application utilizes Motr's Composite Objects Layout API, which allows to build Hierarchical Storage Management (HSM) in a multiple pools/tiers configuration clusters.
- containers 1-pager
- 1-pager
- High level design of resource management interfaces
- 1-pager
- overview
- High level design of version numbers
- Jim Gray's publications
- Leslie Lamport's publications
- Aries: A transaction recovery method supporting fine-granularity locking and partial rollbacks using write-ahead logging
- Echo File System
- Reliable Communication in the Presence of Failures
- The Two-Phase Commit Protocol
- Paxos overview
- request handler 1-pager
- High level design of fop state machine
- High level design of M0 request handler
- Non-blocking server and locality of reference
- sns 1-pager
- sns overview
- High level design of a parity de-clustering algorithm
- On layouts
- NA
- AR of rpc layer
- Function shipping (In-storage-compute) usage in motr: PDF.
- addb 1-pager
- Multi-core programming
- The art of multiprocess programming, M. Herlihy, N. Shavit.